Oh No

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                                   So, it wasn't that I knew this human that was a bit older, but there's something in his smirk that tell me he's the primary conflict in this. I simply watched to my curiosity as the aged male makes his way to a stall on my side only five sections away, he made a peculiar face to the black horse that distanced himself.

                                    Then, I notice he's coming closer. As he inspects each stall and mount with that whiskered face of his, I'm dreadfully thinking that he's searching for me.

                                    He makes that bright face turning to me. My assumptions were right, the man must have been interested in me since he suddenly pats me on the forelocks. I didn't think he was being so affectionate on purpose to me. "Yes! Your that mammal I wanted to see!" he said.

                                    Then he completes the odd inspection of the horses. Maybe if I observe hard enough, I might catches glimpses of whom belonged to my herd. I spy a women from the doors to the insides, making myself flinch and shudder to see her dullness.

                                     Just what is going on here, I wonder.

                                     "Are those horses in their stalls like Mike said they were?" asked the women. The man nodded his head, making a swift motion with his arm.

                                     "Come on in, Susan! You'll like the new arrivals we got in the stables!"

                                     The female entered into the building, the light showed her complexion. This two-legged human had a darkish type of brown hair on her head, some of it was tied. She had the usual light tone of skin like any other female human in the west. I could not understand what that long type of cloth she was wearing around her waist.

                                     This women, apparently known as 'Susan', was acknowledging nearly half of the horses that were put in the boxes. I didn't hide in mine; there was a lot to observe.

                                      "There was that one bay..."

                                       I pricked my ears, hesitant to go into the shadows.

                                       "There's a lot of bay's here, Susan...I'm doubting we'll have all night to count each, having all the horses we-"

                                       Susan stopped the man from talking. "No. There was something so special about that one bay...."

                                        Oh no.

                                        That one bay.....might be me.


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