The End...

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The first to wake was Logan, when the sun reached him first. The bright light hit him directly in the eyes, waking him as quickly as he had fallen asleep. He blocked his eyes with his hand as he sat up. Around him, everyone was still asleep. He yawned as he slowly got up from the leafy bed they had made the night earlier. With the thought of washing his face, he grabbed his water bottle but set it back down when he saw it was halfway empty, knowing he would need that other half for the long journey ahead. He tucked the bottle back into his bag and began waking everyone else up. Faith was the first he woke up, then Dalia, Sunny, Bennett and finally Amar.

Everyone took their time to wake up and get ready for the road ahead. Even though they procrastinated a bit, they ended up setting off after only 10 minutes.

The sun wasn't hot today, most likely because it had settled in behind the clouds. Taking its time to come back out. The group walked in silence, everyone still tired from the restless night they all shared. They walked for a while, until the time read 12:36, meaning they had walked for around 3 hours. Doing the math:

Three multiplied by the average speed of a human, which was around 3 miles per hour is equal to nine miles. Meaning they had covered nine miles, give or take, so far. Add this to the ten miles they walked yesterday. Equaling around 19 miles. Subtract this from the total of 35 miles they had to walk to reach Masino, they'd have to walk 16 more miles. This could be covered in by tomorrow, at the rate they're walking.

Logan walked with his fingers laced with Faith's as they walked. Both knew their relationship was going somewhere and Faith couldn't be any happier. This was part of what kept her walking. Sun Li walked with Dalia a few feet behind them and took notice of their hands, a small smile spreading on her face. Bennett was rubbing his eyes as he walked close behind Sun Li, still half asleep.

Everyone was still in their first clothes. No one had bothered to change, not that they really could. There was a small change of clothes in Logan's back but no one paid attention. Everyone wore a simple T-shirt with Jeans. Some wore jackets and others wore shorts. Faith was wearing a purple shirt with a pair of jean shirts and tennis shoes. Logan was wearing a white shirt and jeans. Sun Li had on a hot pink button up shirt and light blue jeans. Dalia was wearing black long-sleeved short cardigan and jeans, as well as a dark blue hijab and black tennis shoes. Bennet was wearing a blue button up shirt and khakis. Amar was dressed in a light hoodie and jeans. Basically the same thing was on everyone.

Birds were singing in the distance, light wind was blowing, the sun had come up and shone brightly on the road. The mountains looked green and everything was beautiful. Everyone was hoping that every day would be like this, so easy and calm. Then a small car appeared a far distance away.

"Look," Logan whispered to Faith. She looked up and immediately smiled, "A car. We're gonna go home."

"I don't think it'd be that easy," she smirked.

"Oh just relax for once. We're gonna go home, it'll be easy. Unless they're not willing to drive us," he thought.

"And?" Faith asked.

"Well then if they aren't then we'll just have to keep walking. If they are then we'll hitch a ride," he shrugged.

"Okay," she said.

"Look a car!" Bennett yelled happily. Everyone's eyes shot up as they followed his gaze.



They all began laughing, they're day made.

"Keep in mind," Logan said as he turned around just as the car was approaching, "They may not be willing to drive us." Sounds of sighing and disapproval were heard just as the car neared. Logan walked closer to it with his thumb in the air and it slowly came to a stop.

The windows rolled down revealing three men that seemed to be in their twenties sitting inside with music blasting aloud.

"Good day!" One of them smiled nicely with a light British accent.

"Good day," Logan smiled back.

"What are you guys doing so far away from the city?" The one in the back with hair so blonde, it looked white and silver eyes. He was pretty attractive except for the small scar running from the middle of his neck to the base of his jaw.

"Oh well it's quite a funny story. You see our car got stolen while we were taking a small walk around so we've been walking for about two days now. We had to sleep on the dirt," Logan laughed.

"Oh that doesn't sound very comfy," the driver laughed.

"Believe me it wasn't. Anyway, we were wondering if it'd be okay for us to hitch a ride maybe. Just to the nearest town," he smiled.

"That's a fine idea, hop on in," the driver replied, "Murphy scoot over and let these kind children in the car beside you." The guy in the back moved over to the edge of the seat. Logan opened the door and was about to climb in when he realized there wasn't enough room.

"Oh man," he sighed.

"What's the problem?" The man in the back, with the scar, asked.

"We're six and you only have enough room for at most three people."

"What? Oh no, how unfortunate. Well how about this? I'll drive to where we need to go and then I'll come back for the you. In the meantime, why don't a few of you come with us?" The driver said.

"I don't know, does anyone want to go with them?" Logan asked.

"We're good," Faith said quickly, earning a glare from the man in the passengers seat by the driver.

"Okay well I'll be back for you," the white-haired man said.

"At least the ones left," said the man in the passengers seat who only spoke now. A scary vibe seemed to come off this man, scaring everyone who wasn't in the car.

"Umm.. okay," said Logan as he stepped away from the car, "we'll all be here if that's what you're saying."

"You never know," said the creepy man.

"I know," Logan said firmly, "We'll be just fine."

"We'll see."

"Yeah we will," Logan narrowed his eyes at the man.

"Alright alright men, no need to argue," said the driver, "like I said. We'll be back for you," he smiled as Logan shut the door and they began driving off. He stared after them with an unreadable look on his face. No one stared after the car but everyone stared at Logan himself, to see his reactions.

Just as they began walking again, Logan's eyes grew wide and quickly began moving in ways that surprised everybody.

"GET DOWN! NOW!" He yelled as he pushed everyone to the side. They began rolling down the hill as he shoved at them each one by one. No one knew what was happening but they figured it must have been something bad if Logan was acting this way.

Just as he pushed Amar down and dived down with him, a loud gunshot was heard as everyone rolled to the bottom of the hill. 

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