1- Tears

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Gabriel cried in silence as Michael embraced him with both his arms and his bright blue wings.
He had just send their fallen brother to hell where he now belonged and the poor messenger, the youngest of all the archangels, lied broken in his older brother's arms while Raphael stroke his dark brown curly hair.
Uriel came close to his brothers and so did Samuel while she started to sang a little song without name or lyrics.
It seems it was an eternity ago when Gabriel and Lucifer were still brothers, they both used to spend time together in the gardens when neither had anything else to do; singing, chatting or, sometimes, Gabriel would fall asleep in Lucifer’s lap.
Michael was also kind to his brothers, even while training he would encourage them and Raphael would spend time with both working on his garden.
One day Gabriel went to see Lucifer in their usual spot, the weeping willow where they sit and talk surrounded by flowers of all colors.
“It's good to see you Gabriel” said Lucifer when he saw his little brother “We saw each other this morning” he answered while laughing “I know” the messenger sit with the morningstar and laid his head on Lucifer’s shoulder “Rough morning?” he asked “Yes… tons of letters from A to B and from B to C” he looked into his older brother's dark blue eyes and ask “What about you?” Lucifer smiled “I beat Michael at training for the first time!” Gabriel looked at him in awe “Wow! That's so awesome!” they both laugh a while until Samuel came and said with and evil look in her pink eyes “What are you two lovebirds doing?” Gabriel blushed “What?!” Samuel laugh at her little brother's reaction and Lucifer embrace Gabriel “You are way too obvious Gabe…” and he kissed his check making Gabriel blush even more “Shut up Luce…” the other two archangels laughed and Lucifer proceed to kiss him in front of Samuel.
Everyone knew Gabriel and Lucifer were in a relationship, and it was one of the most beautiful you could see; with almost no need of physical touch but kind words and actions.
When Lucifer was far or too busy on work Gabriel would send him letters while everyone asked him how could he write like he was running out of time.
But then the morningstar began to change, he was more cold and absent while talking with his lover, and even more with Michael.
Until the day finally arrived and he fell.
When Lucifer fell not even his strong love for Gabriel could stop him and that was what broke Gabriel’s heart into million pieces that his brothers couldn't mend.
The only thing keeping him on his feet was all the treasured memories they once shared and his hope that Lucifer would redeem himself and be the same caring lover and brother he was.
Maybe Gabriel wasn't that wrong after all...

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