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       IN HER DREAMS, SHE WAS DROWNING. Anomie was nearly gasping for air the next morning. It was sardonic fate held at the lips to her demise and she was just waiting for the last gasping breath to leave her poisoned tongue. The assassin had disappeared not long after spewing that venom down her throat. Orochimaru wanted to destroy her, and he chose a way to take his time.

She fell for it and this was the cost. Her veins had begun to swell and her eyes felt like they were about to rip from their sockets. When she tried to turn into smoke, a once reprieve to pain, she found her Chakra to take no form, like water dripping from her fingers. When she looked into the mirror, she saw her face was pale and her eyes were discolored.

Yet still she couldn't seem to die. She couldn't sleep and food wouldn't stay down. If the poison didn't end her life, then surely she would end up starving.

The outside air did nothing to ease the suffocation of her lungs swelling for breath and the trees were all that kept her upright. She tightened her cloak around her shoulders, finding that her body was trembling despite the sun being high in the cloud-free sky.

"Am I to die from cold?" she croaked out, her fingers tightening around the material of her cloak. If she didn't find shelter she knew that she wouldn't last the night, but she couldn't go back to Tanzaku Gai with Orochimaru's spies littering the grounds. He would have that town destroyed in his search and with the way she looked now was likely to create a commotion.

She knelt down to a small plant, running her fingers over the leaves, taking notice to the beautiful pink bud that peaked out from the top. She would recognize a turmeric plant any day as they grew commonly in Kemuri. She gripped the base and pulled, finding the action of movement left her winded as she glanced at the orange colored roots. She separated it from the plant. She leaned against the tree with a deep breath as she took out her canister of water.

She snapped her fingers, attempting to bring about a small flare but she just grew more exhausted. The continuous snapping eventually paid off as she obtained enough chakra to boil the water. In her other hand she gripped one of the roots and placed it on a flat rock, before grinding another rock against it until she got a smooth powder. She sprinkled as much as she could into the water, mixing it and quickly gulped it down.

It wasn't a cure, but it would have to do. She felt her pulse begin to slow after an interval of minutes. It aided in reducing the swelling of her veins at least, but her fever was fast approaching.

A part of her believed she deserved this fate, as poison was an ugly way to go. She was likely to die slow at this way, and soon her insides would smear across the ground as she coughed out her lungs. Orochimaru's experiments of the poison master clan was one of the many kekkei genkai's he had studied in the sound village. She only wished she took more interest.

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