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           I didn't sleep at all, last night, I just watched Jackson sleep, when he sleeps his noes crinkles up, his lips are parted a bit, he even talks in his sleep sometimes, which was strange but funny. I slip out of his grip go brush my teeth and head to the kitchen. I put on my play list from my phone and figure out what to make for breakfast. I look in his fridge and see no eggs nor bacon.
            I go to his cabinets and found pancake mix, that could work. I start pouring the batter onto the pan. Then put the bread in the toaster, and make some toast. After 30 minutes i finished making a decent stack of pancakes and a few pieces of toast, I pour some orange juice into two cups and grab the syrup. I turn off my music and carry everything into his room. I set everything down on the dresser and go wake him up.
"Hey Jackson?" I whisper pushing him lightly.
"Go away, its to early." He whines bitterly pushing me away, I laugh at his gestures and the way his brows furrow in annoyance.
"No." I laugh. He shoots up and grabs me and flips me onto the bed holding my neck tightly. I look into his eyes and see nothing. I gasp for air and slap his arms.
"J-Jack!" I yell. He finally notices it's me and lets go immediately.
"I'm so sorry are you okay?" He says getting up and brushing my hair out of my face and softly rubbing my neck. I grab my neck and sooth it back to somewhat normal and cough a little, once im better I speak.
"Its okay, I'm okay, I'm fine, you didn't mean it, I shouldn't have scared you." I say getting up and pulling his arm so he stops pacing.
"Lets just forget about it, I made breakfast, that's why I woke you up." I say pointing the the plates of food. He standings there in shock, as if nobody has ever cooked for him before. He walks over to the plates and cups and grabs them and I grab the syrup. The food on his plate doesn't last after 5 minutes of him devouring everything edible there.
"That was really good, thanks love." He says swallowing the last bit of food, and kissing my lips and darting into the bathroom. I grab his plate and bring it to the kitchen. I clean up and go take a shower and get ready for work once Jackson's out of the shower.

After work--
I drive back to Jackson's house and once I get there I notice he isn't home, I'm assuming he is at work. I called Kaylen and told her what happened and I told her I'm staying with Jackson for a little, she's coming over soon. Jackson messaged me a while ago about someone from his group watching me from a distance because he doesn't want me to be left in harms way.

Very short chapter today, sorry, i'll update again later, just a filler chapter, Love, Haley.

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