Alexander (1)

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I hated it already. I felt as lonely as ever. America was different to the Caribean, scratch that, the absolute opposite. There was so much noise; everything that blocked the view looked somewhat out of place. I had my small bag next to me in the taxi, gripping it tightly as it contained my only belongings. I glanced out the window to my left. Believe me, I was happy to have left that isolated island along with my shadowing past, however, a part of me genuinely missed it. The sandy shores where I played on as a child. Running from James and his friends as they chased me through the green curtains of hanging canopies, blanketing the light blue sky. We'd run home down the dusty paths, to mother-

No, I need to stop. I need to forget for once, it hurts me to even remember.

The taxi pulled outside of Columbia University. I was literally overwhelmed when I received my scholarship. "That will be ten dollars," I turned towards the driver. Quickly, I scavenged my pockets for loose change. I counted what I had, discovering half a stale biscuit and some buttons in the process. I didn't have enough. Immediately, I felt my social anxiety kick in. I passed what I had guiltily.

"Um, sorry...That's all I have..."

He gave me a look, that I can only describe as subjectively judgmental. He gave a curt nod, "Get your life sorted out, dude," I got out and studied the building before me. The tall pillars loomed over me, I found myself feeling immediately jeopardised and apprehensive. Then someone caught my eye. I recognised him from the paper two months ago. Aaron Burr. I suddenly felt confident that I actually knew of someone.

"Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?" he turned around as I tapped on the shoulder. I seemed to have interrupted him from a conversation between two other men. One wore a tacky velvet coat- if I do say so myself and wore a bush of dark, curly hair; he seemed to scowl at my presence. A timider looking guy stood behind him, seeming to sneeze as he looked at me.

He raised an eyebrow as he looked down at me- everyone seemed to look down at me, "That depends, who's askin'?"

"Oh well, sure, sir!" I rambled nervously, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly, "I'm Alexander, I'm at your service, sir! I saw you in the paper back in my hometown..."

"I'm getting nervous..." he laughed slightly, the one in velvet snickered in response. I immediately felt my anxiety kick in, "Nice to meet you, Alexander, I'm guessing you're new here, what are you studying?"

I gave a small smile, feeling less anxious at the friendly attitude, "I'm studying law..." Burr was about to respond when someone cleared their throat. I turned to see women standing directly behind me. "Guys, not meaning to be rude, but I'm sure this small guy doesn't want to be interrogated by you on his first day here?" a girl wearing a light shade of red was glaring at the man in velvet.

"Go away Angelica, no one asked for your feministic opinions," he growled, pushing Burr and me to the side. I looked at Burr, giving him a questioning look. He just rolled his eyes, "Come on James, let's leave..." Burr gave me an apologetic look, before pulling the other guy away.

"Why do you assume everything I say is proclaimed to my gender?"

I slowly backed away from the argument and headed to where I assumed the reception was. I saw a small lady was sitting at a desk. At my presence, she gave me a smile, "And who might you be, dear?" she said in a soft voice, looking up at me expectantly. I looked down at the nameplate placed neatly on the desk, it read 'Martha Washington'. Now, why did that name sound familiar? "Alexander Hamilton," I replied meekly.

Martha typed something in her computer before getting up and retrieving some keys and a piece of printed paper, "Here dear, your keys and timetable,"

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