Chapter 2

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I finally arrived in Germany. My taxi took me to Brebner High. I got my room key. I was told that my room was on the 3de floor. When I got on that floor I looked for a door with the numbers 308. I found it, unlocked it and I walked inside. It was small. Very small. I don't want to seem like a spoiled brat but I am used to our mansion.

I guess for a normal person this room was big. On the left side of the room was a paper on the closet with my name on it. I look at the closest on the opposite side and saw the same but with a different name.

Wait what!!!!! I have a roommate. I didn't know. I wonder who it is and how she looks like. The paper with the name reads 'Allison'.

I unpacked all my stuff and then laid back on my bed. After about 10 minutes a girl walked into the room. "Hay,you must be my roommate Bethany?" She ask. "Yea, but please call me Beth. You must then be Allison? " I smiled. She nods and then start unpacking. "By the way,you can call my Ally. " she says in a friendly voice. I nod. After she is done we chat and get to know each other better.

She is from Texas and loves horse riding. I told her that I'm into bike riding. Because I am and I'm actually really good. After a long day we fell asleep.

*****The next day*******

I woke up early and jumped threw a shower. I got dressed in the usual. A crock top, skinny jeans, sneakers and I made my hair in a hight ponytail.

Then Ally got up, dressed and we headed to the school. She took me to the office first. "Hay miss Kruger,my friend here is new and her name is Bethany..."she paused for a while. "Bennet." I whispered at her. "Right, Bethany Bennet. " says to the so called miss Kruger. "Let me check. Ah here it is. Okay Bethany,here is your timetable and good luck. " she smiles. I thank her and we walk out.

"So what do you have first?" Ally asks. "Well I have English and you?"I ask. "Same" she smiles and grab my hand dragging me to hopefully English.

I suddenly bump into a hard chest. "Watch were your going Bitch " the guy says. "Sorry. " Ally apologized to him. What? Why would she do that? He is the ass but he is kind hot. Wait what? No what am I thinking. "Look I'm sorry for bumping into you but you don't get to call me a bitch asshole!" I yell at him

A crowd forms around us. "Did you just call me an asshole?" He asked me. Why does he look so shocked has no one ever called him that. "Look Bitch, you have no idea who you are fucking talking to." He laughs.

"Yea I do know. I'm talking to a ass who clearly needs his ass kicked. " I say. Wow he really got me pissed off.
"Remember, I hit girls. " He warns. "Good cause I hid boys ." I smirk.

He throws a punch but I doge it and throw a fake left then a real right. I punched him in the face. "I will destroy you. " he threatened me.

"Well the it is a good thing I have a death wish. " I walk away. Well I go looking for trouble and danger but I'm not gonna go plead for someone to kill me or even worst, know l myself.

I just love being me cause it pisses all the right people off. Me and Ally decides to skip English and hang out outside.

"So this is Chase. He is one of my friends and I think you two will get along great. Chase, this  is Beth. " Ally introduces us.

Chase is a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He's the average length and his skin is tanned.

We say our "Hay's" and "Hi's" and we invite him over to our room.

Boys are allowed but they have to leave at night time. It is forbidden to be at the opposite gender's hostel at dark.

When we get to our room we unlock the door and take a seat on the beds.

"I feel like getting into trouble. " Ally bites her lip.

"Okay so what do you want to do?" I ask. I didn't really take her for the bad type but I guess I shouldn't have judged her book

"I don't know. " Jase said. "And Beth are you a badass? "

"Yip, she got expelled for setting het principles car on fire."  Ally told Jace. "And get this. She set the car in fire because she was dared to do it. "

The two of them laughed and wowed me.

" Hay guys I have a great idea. " I tell them. "You know that rude asshole who had that brown hair and hazel eyes."
"Wait what?  You mean Nick Argent. The bad boy of the school ?" Ally asks me.

"Yea, I guess. Well remember how he really pissed me off in the hallway?"

"Yea, about that. I wanted to tell you but I got a little distracted so I'm going to tell you now. He is the bad boy of the school and you are the first person to stand up to him...Look just stay away from him and don't get on his bad side." Ally warn me.

"Really? He had a good side?" Chase ask.

"No, I'm serious. Don't get on his bad side. "Ally pleads me.

"Okey,but my idea was to go prank him or something. You know to get him back. " I sagest.

"NO!!!!!" Ally yells. " Come on he won't even know it was us. " I make my famous puppy dog eyes. "

" I'm cool with it as long as we don't get caught. " Chase joins me.

"Fine. " Ally finally gives in.
We decided to do is at midnight. We will al wear black and we will climb out the window and meat Chase at the tree between the two hostels.

Our plan is that I pick the window lock of Nicks room, hoping he's a heavy sleeper,then we will sneak in and plant a small camera in his room. I stole all of these things for my brother,since he's a gang leader and all.

Anyway we will then  know exactly what they are doing and we can use that information against him.

******* Midnight *******

"We all clear on the plan ?" I ask Ally.
"Yip. " she replies.
"Good. Lets go. "

We climb out the window and run to the tree we are supposed to meet Chase at. When we got there he was already waiting for us.

We run to where Nicks window is and
Then I quickly pick the lock and open the window. Then our mouths fall open in surprise. He is not in his room and nor is his roommate!!!!!!!!!!!

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