Chapter 5

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I open my eyes slowly. "What happened?" I ask.

"According to Nick, he won the fight an brought you here. ". Ally explains.

Now I remember. He cheated. Well game on. That (son of a) bitch just landed in my property. O how I love revenge.

Hmmm. How about I find his gang house and when he and his stupid gang buddies are gone me,Ally and Chase give there secret hideout (a I like to call it since now) a makeover. I'm thinking pink and glitter.

I quickly got dressed and went to school. Now all I have to do is find out when they are not in there gang house and wear it is.

****After school*******

"Okay guys, lets go follow Ass (Nick) and his gang." I told my friends.

"Fine but you owe up big time. " Ally told me, making it pretty clear that She is not going on her own will.I smile at her as Nick and his gang get in there cars and so does we.

We follow the only to learn that they ditch the cars and started to walk for like a hour.

There is a big wooden house in front of us. We are basically alone in the would and may I add, in the middle of nowhere!!!!!

"Well this is fun , laying on the ground,behind trees. What an amazing day. " I thew my head back as I heard Chase's sarcastic voice.

The house is surrounded by guards and we can't get any closer.

"Tell me if some one is looking. " I said as I started climbing up the nearest tree.

My position was crap and I had no space but I have to get a better look. Ally and Chase actually had a wonderful position on the ground.

Well. Everyone but the guards disappeared. Probably into the house.

" Hay, smart ass. " Jase yell-whispers. "How do you think your declaration party is gonna go with all the guards around? "

"Well we can just take them out or something. Maybe even throw gasses that knocks them out. "

Yea but it you use your common sense, you would know me and Ally are normal people and not fighting ninjas like you. "

"Yea, whatever. I will see what I can do. "I tried to calm him down.

Suddenly the branch I was sitting on snapped and I fell out of the tree letting out a shriek. Shit !! Two guards are now heading our way.

We should do a 'run and hide' action but to my surprise nobody dared to move a mussel.

"Hay!" I guard ran towards us and we tried to make a run for it. (Key word: tried ) six guards caught us. Two on each of us. I can probably take them but I wouldn't dare take the risk that they might start firing shots at my 2 best friends. It surprises me that the didn't start firing the second they saw us.

The started to drag us, and I mean drag, towards the house. Hopefully Nick won't tell them to kill us...I hope.

They have a nice 'hideout'. It is very cozy on the inside. They are apparently taking us into the basement. They open the basement doors and tied us to chairs.

"Who are you and that are you doing here ?" One of the guards who grabbed me asked.

"O hay. I'm Bethany but you can call me Beth and that's my friends, Allison and Chase. And you are?"

"You know if I was you I wouldn't be so confident and you haven't told me why you are here. And to answer your question, my name is Blake. "

He looks around our age and handsome I might add but not really my type.

" Well, Nick is in some of my classes at school and we followed him here." Blake looked at me with big eyes.

"And yes we knew he is a gang leader." I told Blake, answering his question. He gust noted  his head.

"Well can you let us go now?" Ally asked irritated.

"Not yet because Nick haven't gave me orders to." Blake told us.

"Okay Blake. What is it that you want? Money,power, gold,diamonds, pizza. " I ask him hopping he would trade one of those things for our freedom.

He just smiled and headed to the door leaving. Wait leaving! Why would he leave us. I actually thought we could've been friends.

******15 min later*******

Ahhhhh!!! We already waited here for like forever. I need to get back to the hostel.
Finally Nick bust thew the doors. And I mean burst.

"That the fuck do you think you're doing?!" It he screamed that any louder I swore the basement would have collapsed.

"Hallo to you to. " I said sarcastically. Wow he is mad.  I wonder why? Jace and Ally just kept silent. I wonder if they can still speak.

"Don't start with me. I thought I made it clear to stay out of  my business but no, you are just to nosy. And what on earth are you doing here in the first place?" A very angry Nick questioned us.

"Okay." I said calmly. "First when did you say we should stay out of your business?"

"Well I can't exactly remember but I will say it again. STAY OUT OF MY FUCKIG BUSINESS!"

"Okay we will try and secondly we were only going to take out the guards and decorate your place with pink an glitter." I smiled innocently.

"You were what?! You know what just forget it and get out because lucky for you I have a date." He said smiling.

"With who do you have a date with?"
"With Crystal if you must know ,Beth. "
He replied.

"O that blond annoying little barbie bitch? I ask. "Yes her and don't call her that. "

"Whatever,enjoy your date. O, and tell Crystal I say she should go stand by he heater. " I smile at him. "Why?" He frowned at me. "Because plastic melts."

"O my Mother Nature can you please stop insulting my girlfriend?"

"You mean your toy. Who you play with when you feel like it and ditch when your bored not caring of you hurt her." I correct him.

He just gave me a 'whatever' look. "Now how about you stay a little longer." He smiled and left.
" Can you at least untie us!" I yelled at him but it was to late.

"Well that was weird. " Chase spoke,breaking the awkward silence. Yea he is right. That was kinda weird.

Then the doors ones again flew open. Shit! Now I really want me and my friends to get out of here because I was hoping they wouldn't have to see this.

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