He never really said I love you

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He never said I love you,
he just made sure to drive me home,
even if we didn't come to the party together.

He never said I love you,
he just kissed my cheek good night
—and occasionally my forehead, for no apparent reason.

He never said I love you,
he would just text in the middle of the day,
asking if I'm alright.

He never said I love you,
he would just leave breakfast downstairs because I was too lazy to cook and sometimes bring dinner because I was too tired to even get up.

He never said I love you,
he just paid attention.

He never said I love you,
he just prayed for me.

He never said I love you,
he was just there to pull me up
for every drowning moment.

He never said I love you.
He just says I'm proud of you.

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