The moment I met you, I was suddenly bad at everything.

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I was suddenly bad at eating burgers.
Heck, I was so bad,
I wouldn't breathe while eating
You're glaring at me the whole time.
And I was

My clothes
They adored me for the clothes i wore
You stepped inside my closet
I slowly had to wear the same thing
Over and over
Cos i was suddenly ugly in most of them

I was good at talking to people
So good that i made so much friends
In a span of 6 months
after moving here.

Then you came
Now i was bad at talking
I kept my mouth shut.

I walked over shattered glass to get to you
you broke another glass door
Because i didn't walk properly
So you had me do it again

Back when I was 19
I won a fight over depression
I won.
It's over.

A year after you.
He came back,
in waves I thought I could surf
They were too big
Big enough it swallowed me whole
And i was fighting for air
And you gave me a hand
And i thought you were pulling me out of the water
But you didn't
You pushed my head down
And asked why i couldnt breathe.

you swam next to my writhing body
My clawing arms
So you could teach me how to swim again
Instead of taking me out,
Instead of dragging me back to the shore

Stop eating sweets
Stop being mean
Its your fault
Its your fault
Its your fault

"I need to relax"
"I have to relax"
My mere existence is stressing you out

I stopped writing this book
because I thought i was okay
I thought.
But i was wrong
I was always wrong.

How can a year with you make me so incapable?

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