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     Watching each of the gayo tracks , Hobi focused on the person who is now the common factor in all of their thoughts . He could only feel emotionally drained after his thought got accumulated. How Tae continued to be cheerful in front of the camera after what they made him go through is a wonder to him? It scared Hobi to not know  in which of them were he really happy or were not. 

     And as the videos ended, his thoughts were going haywire. He could see Tae everywhere his eyes wandered  . He knows his eyes were playing trick on him but he can't get enough of seeing the person at least healthy in his imagination. It was like he was a viewer watching the interaction of Tae and another Hoseok.

  As his gaze fall onto the sofa, he saw the past Hoseok engrossed in playing piano tiles in his phone while Tae was engrossed in watching the rain through the window.

"Hyung , isn't the rain beautiful?"

"Hmm",who answered while playing the game.

   Tae touched his forehead to the window feeling happy at the coldness.
"Sometimes I don't like rain when it produce awful sounds "

"Are you scared of thunder, Tae?", he asked while congratulating himself for overcoming his previous records in piano tiles.

Tae stared intensely at the path of the raindrops falling.
"No.. Maybe ..."

After a moment of silence ,Tae asked

Hyung , do you think that there is life after death?"

"Probably..",Hoseok then continue  the game still after feeling tired .

" I would be bored then after I die .."

Both Hoseok's attention turns towards Tae.

"Why is that ?"

   His eyes travelled the path of the raindrops on the window.

"I would be alone there without you all ."

One Hoseok already know the answer while the other turned his complete attention to Tae now complete forgetting the game.

"Why do you think that we will not go first before you ?"

Tae simply shrugged and continue to stare at the raindrops.

" Death has to go through me first before knocking at your doors. So don't worry you'll have me to entertain you when you come ."

  The other Hoseok look fondly at Tae whose gaze was still fixed at the raindrops.

  While that time the windows were blurred , but now it's his eyes those blurred . While the raindrops fall that day,now it was his tears which were falling.

"Why did you let the words come true?"

  Hoseok asked at the blurred image of Tae. As he looked , an image came .

"Why can't you just die?",the other Hoseok asked .

"Stop it. How could you say that to him.", Hoseok asked .

"I am sorry .." , Tae replied with tears falling heavier than the rain outside that day.

"Tae don't be ..you don't deserve to .."
,Hoseok ran to the Tae trying to give him comfort only for the image to fades away.

     And he saw how Tae started to  fear them more than the thunder and how his tears never ended even when the rain stopped.

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