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           It's hard to distance from the people you once loved. In a century,where there is everything seems mundane and each step took lots of energy ,it's hard to give your heart to someone. When you take it back ,some pieces still get left with them and you feel like missing something all the time .

    Tae know how hard it is to wake each morning without the room suffocating him. At times like this , he could feel claustrophobic even in large meadows. When there was a time ,he didn't feel constricted spending a small room with six other people.

    The wall seems to form faces of his loved ones which turns monstrous ,filling his ears with insecurities he took so long to get over.

"You are weird."

"Is this what you call singing ?"

"You are too fat"

"How could you touch me with those hands making me filthy ?"

"Why are you even in the group ?"

"They wanted you to be the mysterious member just because they wanted to throw you out . They were too kind and took pity on you "

Nowadays,he doesn't even shout back or pleads at it to stop it . He doesn't know what step to took anymore because there seems to a large wall which is blocking him everything.

As he was walking  down the streets ,he feels claustrophobic again.  The building sesms to close upon him as he feels dark spots in front of his eyes and finally ,getting tired of fighting it he succumb to the darkness.


"Don't believe them . You are fine the way you are."

"Our maknae is the best. Fighting ,maknae ."

"I don't know hyung . Maybe I feel comforted by you because you remind me of Daegu ,my home ."

"This is one of the best food I have ever tasted . Only you know how to make my taste buds dance ."

"Wow ...You are a dancing machine. I wish I could dance like that ."

"I am not afraid to take my next step when I have you to lead me ."

Whereas the walls in Seoul formed the face of their loved one , still encouraging them ,calming them but somehow suffocating them also .

They all have a missing piece with them which they don't know how to stick it back . They want to take down the wall which stands between them and Tae.

Or ,may be even opening.


"Hello ,this is calling from THK hospital .Kim Taehyung is admitted here and we are calling since the number was listed in the emergency contacts."

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