Chapter 11

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That night I couldn't sleep, I was to overcome with fear not fear of the demons, fear of the unknown, there was so much I didn't know, I was petrified. I remembered a quote from my high school AP classes, 'We have always lived in fear of the unknown, but when we man up we realize the unknown isn't unknown, it's just uncharted territory, and then we do what mankind has always done, we add it to our maps of life'. That gave me enough piece of mind to go to sleep, but I would regret that decision.

'Eyes like the earth below,

Cold with the things she does not know

With Heaven above and Hell beneath,

Death, death, death with no release.'

Something kept saying that over and over again in my dream, and towards the end I saw a hazy outline of a person, a person with dark brown hair and eyes, and olive skin. Then as I forced myself to wake up something whispered in my ear,'Death, death, death with no release.'.

I woke breathing hard. What. The. Hell. I thought.

"What the hell!" I said. Rather loudly too.

"What!" cried all the guys in unison.

"Where any of you talking to me in my sleep?" All the guys turned to Zak.

"Hey, don't look at me, I was busy trying to block Allison's number, she won't leave me alone!"

"Oh hell." This sucks. All hell is about to break loose.

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