Chapter 29

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Lucinda POV:
Grrrr! I can't believe Ivan was at my door yesterday! I told him many times to stay away from me, but of course he doesn't listen! I need to go check on Zane, I haven't seen him from a while, I grab my keys and go to his house. I knock on his door, Aaron answers "Hi Lucinda, what brings you here?" I say "To check on Zane, may I see him?" he moves so I can enter, I see Zane on his couch holding... wait a minute... I gasp "BABIES!!!" I run to him "When were you pregnant?" he blushes "I can't be, these babies were left at the door in a basket." I ask "Who would do that??" they shrug "It doesn't matter, they are so adorable!" I make funny faces, they giggle "What are their names?" Aaron says "We didn't decide yet, we just got them yesterday." I ask "I wonder how Aphmau will react at this." Zane says "She would go crazy, she loves babies, she went crazy when she met Sparky." I say "How about... you tell the others about the babies, they might help you with the names." Aaron says "That's a great idea!" I take out my phone "Heh, thanks" I text on the group about it, a lot of messages appear, then the door breaks "WHERE ARE THE BABIES???"

Aaron POV:
"Aph! You broke the door!" she runs to the babies, but I hold her "Sit down or I will lock you outside!" she sits and she makes funny faces to the babies "I will make food." I walk in the kitchen "She really loves babies." I grab what I need and start cooking. I feel 2 arms wrapping me and a head on my back "Do you need anything?" I look at him, he is... crying... that breaks my heart "What's wrong cupcake??" I hug him, he sobs "I'm scared..." I ask "Why?" he says "What if something bad happens again?? What if the kids get hurt??" I kiss him to calm him "Everything will be fine ZuZu, I won't let anyone hurt you, the kids, Sparky or our friends." he stops crying "Are you tired ZuZu?" he nods, then I pick him up, carry him to our room, put him on the bed and cover him with the blanket "I love you little nugget, sweet dreams." I kiss him before I go back to the kitchen to cook "Is he ok?" I say "Yeah, he's just tired."

Aphmau POV:
I hope Zane is ok "Do you need help?" he says "Just watch the babies until I finish the food." I nod and sit on the couch, then I hold the babies "They're so cute!" I play peek-a-boo with them, they laugh "Food is ready!" I pick up the kids and give them to Aaron, I eat while Aaron feeds them "Let me ask you, why Zane cried?" he looks at me "He was scared of what will happen." I understand what he means "He has us, nothing will happen." I finish my plate "Thank you for the food, me and Lucinda will go to my place to watch a few movies. See you soon!" we walk out of his house "Is Valkrum home?" I raise an eyebrown, but I nod "Well, I am sure you're happy with him miss Valkrum." I roll my eyes "You like to tease me, don't you?" she chuckles "Of course I do, I like to tease my friends." I giggle "Maybe I should do the same. Do you have any crush?" she says "No, not yet, but my ex was at my door." I look at her with shock "What was he doing?" she says "He wanted to talk to me, but I refused. I don't want to hear any more stupid excuses from him." I hug her "You have me now, you don't need a jerk like him." she smiles and hugs me back "Thanks Aph, you are a very kind person." I unlock the door "Many people told me that." we enter "Travis! I'm home with Lucinda!" he  yells "Welcome to the Valkrum house Lucinda, feel yourself at home!" I let out a chuckle "Your place is very nice, i'm glad that you're still living here in MyStreet." I say "Yeah, we chose to not move away from our friends." I walk into the kitchen "Do you have cookies or cupcakes?" I say "I have cupcakes, I will make some popcorn too." she says "With butter?" I nod "Great, let choose the movies!" I put a bag in microwave and go into the living room "Oooh you have Doctor Who?? I like that guy." I say "Travis likes to watch that, we can try if you want." she says "Girl, I want to see the adventures of this hot time traveler." I laugh "Alright then!" I hear a 'ding' "The popcorn is ready!" I grab the bag carefully and put the popcorn in a bowl, then I hear a sound "Travis, what the heck are you doing?" he yells "I'm taking a shower! Do you want to join me Aphmeow~?" I blush "NOPE!!" Lucinda laughs "That was a hot reply, that guy is crazily in love with you." I put the bowl down "Just put the CD in the DVD." I sit on the couch "Don't be shy sweetie, married couples do that." I say "I know" she sits near me "Irene knows what is true love." I turn on the TV "She does..." we watch Doctor Who for a few hours, then she goes home "Aph honey~ it's time for a massage~" my eyes widen "No please! You always tickle me!" I run away while he chases me. At finale he catches me and drags me to our bedroom, his fingers run on my back, I feel so relaxed, he gives me tickles and kisses "I love you Aphmau, i'm very excited for the baby." I smile "Me too Travis." we cuddle on the bed.

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