Behind scene #7

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FlatterMusic: YOI

Star: Miss Pretty Peachy how old are you?

Picturey: OH COMMON

Peachy: uh... 29

Star: oh... You look much more younger~ you look like um... 20?

Peachy: uh....ok

Star: how old Is picturey?

Peachy: 27

Star: oh ok!

Picturey: why you think i'm older...

Star: no i thought you were 15

Picturey: wat... Am i that young?

Star: yes

Picturey: ... Why thank you star...

Star: .... Stwerd is going to the kitchen

Picturey: WHAT *runs to the kitchen*

Pepper: like salty salt do you want to like stop like liking OJ I mean why do you want to like be with like OJ so much

Salt: didn't i like say it like before?

Pepper: like i think like so

Salt: like cus his handsome and all like

Pepper: like ok

OJ: *slowy going away from salt*

Salt: *gasp* Oj! *grabs and hugs OJ*

OJ: *waving arms cus he doesn't like the hug* your hugging --- me -- to tight

Salt: oh like sorry *still hugging OJ but less tight*

OJ: ugh....

Pepper: .......

Cheesy: KNIFE

Knife: WHAT?!

Cheesy: *hands over the amazing book called "childhood"*


Cheesy: yes

Knife: ......

Picturey: you little boy is so active more actuve then Stward...

Stwerd: :3

Star: Miss pachy are you married?

Peachy: no

Star: do you have a boyfriend *cute smirk face*

Peachy: no i'm single...

Star: huh? YOU have no Man to be with?! But--

Peachy: yeah i know.. But i do have this crush on TV....

Star: ..... *gasp*

Mephone4: don't temt her she's also A FANGIRL like Picturey

Peachy: W-WHAT?!

Star: :3

Picturey: ...............

Stward: JwwpKs

Picturey: Lol keep trying to talk sweetie :3

Stward: twalk

Picturey: aw~

Apple: MARSH look i drawed this is it good???

Marsh: yes but you spelled everything wrong ... Again

Apple: oh

Bow: *takes a picture of Dough trying to eat the couch* why are you doing that?

Dough: i don't know its delicious...

Bow: •~•

Picturey: let us start :3

FlatterMusic: MEOW

Zack: what

FlatterMusic: what



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