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I tripped over a rock on my way. The rock was hollow though. “What?” i moved it and there was a flashlight. “Well at least it won’t be dark when i sit in there.” when i walked in those dead bodies were still everywhere. The smell was awful, but i ignored it. I just sat there thinking about why i’m here, why i’m so special? I messed with my blue-purple stripe. “Ashlynn? Where are you?” i quickly turned off the flashlight, and moved back. I heard the footsteps come closer. “Ashlynn i know you’re in here. My flashlight is missing. Please come out.” It was Mark again. I didn’t want to come out. “why should i? All i’ve done was cause problems.” i shifted a little. I didn’t realize he was right in front of him. Mark grabbed my shoulder and i screamed. “Hey hey shush! Those monsters will hear you!” he turned on the flashlight onto his face. At first i thought he was going to have a goofy smile, but instead he had this sad worried look in his eyes. “Please why do you always run away?” “Because, i don’t know i just do. Do you have a problem with that?” i don’t know where that came from. Mark just gave a slight smile and hugged me. “It’s ok Ashlynn. Now come back it's dangerous out here.” “no it isn’t because i killed them all.” Mark shined the light ahead and saw all the dead bodies. “Oh no Ashlynn what did you do? We need to run away now!” before i could ask, he tugged my arm.

After we made it back, i was angry. “What the hell Mark? Can you explain why we ran?!” “Listen to me you can't kill those things. Once you chop them, each piece grows a whole other mutant! There used to be only one mutant until i sliced it up.” “well why don’t we just burn them?” “it's impossible. In order to burn all of them we need to make a trap which involves bait that we don't have, we don't have the time to make a trap either. Each of us has to make time to help everyone else survive.” “Come on there has to be time to just make a simple trap! I’ll even be the bait! Let’s just..” “are you nuts!?” Jordan walked up. I look away from him. “What do you want?”

I hated Jordan. He thinks he can act like my father. “I came to say i’m sorry.” he knelt down in front of me. “I’m sorry for yelling at you. Sam made me realize that i’ve been treating you like a child. Look at me please?” i look up. “I can see the anger in your eyes.” “Well yeah it’s because i’m angry?” “i know but you need to listen to me. You can not make yourself bait. You could die!” “why do you care about me so much?” “Because Ashlynn, we were in high school together that's why! And we always hung out whenever we weren’t busy and we were best friends!” Mark looked at us awkwardly. I looked back at him. “Um, i think Jack called me. I’ll be over there.” i watched Mark awkwardly run towards Jack who then looked back at us.

“Why didn’t you tell me when we met?” he sighed. “Because, we had a huge fight before you disappeared. When we found you, i thought you would recognize me but you didn’t. So i thought if I kept you around long enough, you would remember. And then we could be friends again.” he looked down scratching the back of his head. I suddenly didn’t hate him as much anymore. I felt bad. I hugged Jordan, then i had a flashback.

“Hey Ashlynn! Over here!” i saw Jordan and smiled with excitement. I ran down the escalator pushing a few people in the process. “Hey watch where you’re going!” “Sorry!” I finally made it to Jordan and leaped into his arms. “Did you miss me?” “Of course i did!” we walk out of the airport together. “So how was Ireland?” i buckle up. “It was great! I explored everything! I learned a lot about their culture, I even met Jacksepticeye!” “That’s awesome!” “Yeah i was even offered to go to an Art college there.” Jordan looked at me. “Well did you accept?” “i was going to at first, but i declined.” “Why would you do that?” I looked down. “Because if i accepted, i wouldn’t get to see you anymore.” “Ashlynn you didn’t have to do that you should have accepted it.” Jordan suddenly sounded irritated. “What’s wrong?” “You’re not following your dream that’s what’s wrong.” “Well i’m sorry that i decided to be with someone who i cared about. The only person might i add.” Jordan was silent. He knew exactly what i meant. My only family left was my sister and she went missing for years. I met Jordan when i was a baby and been best friends ever since. My parents never cared about me. One day when i came home from first day of 8th grade, they were gone. Nothing was left except my stuff. They didn’t leave a note, money, or anything. I was alone. Jordan walked by a while after and saw me crying. He took me to his house and i’ve lived with him and his parents ever since. “You know if you accepted, you could always come and visit during holidays, but you didn’t.” “Jordan why are you mad? I made this decision and that's it. Quit acting like my father!” he stopped the car and got out. I did the same. After we graduated high school, i moved in with jordan. I heard Jordan slam a door.

“Ashlynn?” “Jordan i remember.” “Remember what?” “Everything. I remember you picking me up from the airport and that argument we had. Was that the argument you were talking about?” “Yeah but i now realized how stupid i was acting.” “Jardon your such a fool.” we both laugh and i walked over to Jack and Mark. “Jack you Knew who i was this whole time huh?” they both scratch the back of their necks. “Uh yeah we both already know who you are.” “yeah we just never knew your actual name.” “what do you mean not knowing my actual name?”

Ireland was beautiful! I never saw a sky so blue! The air was way fresher too, and bonus it was raining so win win all around! “Hey! Can someone help please?” i saw a guy struggle with his groceries. “Hey let me help.” i took two bags from his hands and he held the other two. “Where's your car?” “don’t have one. Don’t need one. It’s a very small town here so i just walk everywhere. I've never seen you before. Did you just move here?” “No i'm just visiting from california.” “Oh nice. Too bad california isn’t like what the internet says.” “yeah i can’t believe the internet of all things would lie!” we both laugh. “Alright this is my place. You can come in and put the bags on the counter.” he unlocked the door. “By the way, i’m Jack.” “Jack like Jacksepticeye?” “Yep that’s me! What’s your name?” “um, Wolfie.” “wolfie? Really?” “well, that’s not my real name. I don’t like giving out my real name.” “Alright wolfie it is. I respect your privacy.” “Thank you.”

“Oh ha.. Wolfie right.” “Yep.” “oh you know what, you never told me why you wore those leaf masks.” “Oh well we wear them because it helps us with camouflage to hide from those mutants. Actually, we need to make you one, too.” Mark took me to Marzia and requested a mask. “Thanks Mark.” “No problem Ashlynn. I just want to make sure you’re safe.” I had a sudden flashback.

I was walking on the streets in the rain. Usually i would be happy, but right now i felt like i should be dying in a pit right now. It was dark so bonus. Woo hoo… i left Jordan’s house because i was tired of him. He got mad for the stupidest reason. I accidently broke his skateboard from his childhood. I said i was sorry and that i could fix it, but he overreacted and yelled at me. I then cried and left. Ever since, Jordan tried to get ahold of me. He sent me 40 texts and called me at least 25 times. I bet he’s out now looking for me. I gave up walking and just sat at a bus stop for a while. I zoned out, too. A little bit later, i saw a light from a car stop in front of me. Great Jordan found me. “Hello miss?” nope not Jordan. I look up to see another guy. “Are you lost?” i shook my head. “Well, you should head home. there‘s going to be a huge storm later.” “i can’t go home.” He sat next to me. I couldn’t see his face since his car blinded me. “Why not?” “Because, my friend and i had a fight and i left to cool off. Now i can’t go back because i’m afraid.” it started to pour. I was soaking wet. “Well, why don’t you stay at my place tonight? If you stay out here to long, you’ll get sick.” i knew this was stupid. It’s like the number 1 rule; don’t just leave to some stranger’s house! But, somehow, even though i can’t see him, i knew i can trust him, so i left with him. “Thank you by the way.” “no problem and don’t worry about the seat getting wet, after all, it’s just water. What's your name?” “Um, wolfie it’s wolfie.” “Well, wolfie, my name is Mark.” we sat in silence for a while. “Why wolfie?” “I um never gave anybody my real name. Only my friend knows my real name but that’s because our parents introduced us to each other.” “well, what’s wrong with your name?” “I hate my name because my name is a boy’s name and i was always made fun of.” “Oh i understand. Whenever you’re ready, you can tell me your name.” when we stopped in front of Mark’s house, the rain stopped.” “Again thank you for allowing me to stay, i’ll try not to be a burden.” “No no it’s no problem at all. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

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