Ready to Play

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I woke to the screeching sound my my alarm clock. I flailed my arms hitting random objects as my eyes were still closed until I finally found the off button of my alarm clock. I rolled back over and started to fall back asleep again.

"REMINGTON! I heard your alarm go off and I know that you're just gonna go to sleep again. Get your ass out of bed now! You have a big day ahead of you." Sebastian yelled for down the hall, I assume from his room. I groaned and threw the blankets off.

I stretched my arms and legs which was followed by multiple bones cracking. There aren't many things I enjoy in life but a good morning stretch is easily one of them.

I swong my legs over the edge of my bed as I wallowed in my self pity. Why did I agree to this? Oh yes, to get Sebastian off my back. But it looks like that didn't work out as he is still nagging me. Fuck my life.

I feel like a child again. Today felt like one of the days in elementary school that I would sit on the edge of my bed sulking because my mom wouldn't let me stay home.

Suddenly it hit me. The smell of coffee. The only thing besides blood that brings me to "life". I practically flew off my bed and made my way downstairs, pushing a very tired and almost sleepwalking emerson out to the way before smashing into Sebastian pouring, or should I say spilling, my coffee into a mug.

Once I downed half the pot of coffee I went back up stairs to fix my whole situation, because let's be honest, it wasn't particularly a good one.

First I had to decide what to wear. You'd think me being 167 years old and a seemingly careless guy that I wouldn't have wardrobe issues but I do. What do kids wear these days? I'm getting all those nervous highschool flutters back again.

I decided to wear a pair of black skinny jeans, my suspenders hanging down, a plain white t-shirt topped with my leather jacket. Not to casual but not over dressed, perfect medium.

~~~~~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~

Sebastian decided to drive me to school, he decided to pose as my father so it would be more believable for me to be in school. He walked with me to the school and all the way to the office. I gotta say, I've never been more embarrassed to be seen with my brother in my entire life. As we walked the halls I noticed all eyes were on us. For once in all my years as I vampire, I didn't feel like my usual predator self. I felt like pray.

After we had met with the principle the Guidance Councillor gave me a brief tour. It seemed like any other highschool, large classroom, long halls lined with lockers. The smell of white out and printer paper fills the air. This only reminds me of how much I hated highschool.

No seems particularly nice, and no one seems approached. You'd think that at 167 years old I'd be able to figure out where class 173 is but I can't find it for the life of me. So I decided that maybe if I stood in the hallway and looked lost someone might help me?

"Hey! Hey! Helloooo? Earth to emo!" A girl yelled at me stranded a few feet away. "Yeah you, come here."

I stood for a second my head cocked. I made my way to her.

"Your new, obviously. Lost?" She asked grabbing my coarse timeline. "Bio, English, Music, and history..."she said as she went through my list,"well your in luck, I'm in three of your classes including homeroom. I'll help you out, show you around and shit. This school really isn't hard to navigate and once you figure out how to snake through the halls with out getting trampled by jocks, assholes, and hicks you will be fine." She said as she turned and began walking to our home room. "Honestly...umm, honestly.."she looked like she was thinking,"what's your name?"

"Oh um, I'm, uh, remington." I said

"Okay...well hi um uh I'm Beth." She said mocking me. "You should be thankful I ran into you. Not many people would have helped you. And in all honesty I probably wouldn't ah e helped you if you weren't emo and didn't look decent." She rambled.

She pulled me into room 173 leading me to a cluster of desks in the back corner where another girl sat. She looked up and smiled at Beth getting up and running to her. I couldn't help but stare at her, her face was so perfected rounded, her eyes sparkled and squinted ever so beautifully as she smiled. Her cheeks were perfectly rosey and her hair fell onto her shoulders like it was a piece of the finest silk. She was hypnotizing.

"Percy, this is Remington. He's new here. Remington this is Percy, she's my bestfriend and or my lover when creepy guys hit on us." They laughed.

"Hey." She said smiling up at me. But I couldn't answer. I couldn't form words. I wanted to I really did. But I felt paralyzed. Paralyzed by her beauty.

"He must be good if you helped him here, and introduced me to him." She said to Beth, "but I'm just not sure about him. He remains undetermined by me."

"Undetermined?" I asked confused.

"Yes undetermined. We both have to agree that someone is worth our time. Percy here is undetermined of her agreement towards you." Beth explained.

"I'll let you sit with us, I can make an acceptation just this once." Percy said.

I sat down unable to form words. These past few minutes have been so confusing. Beth is very nice, kinder than I expected. But Percy..Percy..she's perfect. She's perfectly herself, she doesn't care what other people think. She's not a people pleaser but she's also not a total bitch. She makes people work for her. She wants to play. And boy, am I ready to play her game. Now all I need; are the rules.

They Stole My Dreams Again (Palaye Royale)Where stories live. Discover now