Detention And A Accident

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Fell growled as he watched Classic leave school early and holding his head in pain. He walked up to his father's black Ford and waved slightly at him. Dell turned his head and headed to the cafeteria. He seen Dust wave to him as Error was sitting next to him reading some book called 'How To Kill People With Powers!' He sat in the opposite side of them as Dust spoke with a whole ton of mashed potatoes in his mouth. "So, what was that in homeroom? " Fell looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" "You know, when you just walked out of the classroom in a rush."Dust explained trying to swallow the food at the same time. Error smirked and closed his book with a small slam. "LoOkS lIkE hEs hIdinG s-S-ssomthing~" Error purred. Dust smirked and looked back over to Fell. Fell looked at both of them sweating slightly. "What?... Why are you guys staring at me like that...?" Fell asked most likely knowing what their going to say. "You where with 'Blue boy'~" They said in union as they smiled wide. Fell stuttered with a bit of embarrassment. "I-i wasn't!" "Suurrreee~" Dust rolled his eyes and bit into a cookie. Error opened his book again and kept on reading.
Fell turned and seen Frisk with her siblings. Asriel and Chara. She turned to him and waved. Fell blushed slightly and waved back. Dust gagged. "Ewwww >∆<" He hissed sticking out his tonuge for more affect. Fell glared at him but smiled forcefully at His crush.
"Dad..." Sans spoke and turned to his father. "Hm?" "Can I not go to school for a couple of days...?" "Of course. I know your having some trouble at school with other boys, so yes. And you need some time too heal"... Thanks" He looked down as Gaster stopped at a red light. "How's your skull?" "It still hurts a bit, but I just think I should rest. " Classic said softly. He was lying. His skull was killing him.
[Timeskip cause this author can't go to sleep at flipping 12 am and they have school in the morning... ;w;]
They finally got to their house. Papyrus was taking a nice nap in his bed while they where gone. "Here son go get some rest. Dinner will be in the refrigerator." Gaster told Sans pointing upstairs. Sans nodded and yawned. His skulls pain died down just a bit so at least that was good. Maybe with both of his sons asleep Gaster could actually do some work. Sans yawned on top of his bed, but he couldn't go to sleep. He turned his body this way and that but he just couldn't. After about 5 minutes he just gave up with a sigh. "I hate that stupid edgy version of me..." He grumbled as he got up. He looked outside his window and seen that the sun was slowly going down so the sky was a minty color. Maybe he could just take a nice walk to help his skull get some air. He grabbed his hoodie from his bed and headed out. Gaster had fallen fast asleep because he has been taking care of his sons for so long he didn't get much sleep. Classic gave in a soft smile and rolled his eyes and headed out of the door. "It really is a bit cold..." He murmured softly as he walked.
Fell sat in detention, playing on his phone that he secretly brought with him. "GOSH DAMN IT! I LOST AGAIN!" he blurted out, but then quickly shut his mouth as Mr.Keen looked at him. "What did you just say?" "Nothing, sir..." Fell grumbled as he fell back in his chair ((I tried ppl I really did XD)) he looked at the time. Only 4:00. Detention ends at 4:45...What a waste of 45 minutes of his life! He could have did so much in those minutes! Like...Videogames, sleeping,... Eating junk food. Those kind of things. Oh how he hated that fat goat woman. Like, c'mon. She has two kids that are humans, and only one monster kid. And she hates her own husband...WHY WONT SHE GET A DIVORCE?! Fell was thinking all of this, as he gritted his teeth. "That ugly hag..." Fell growled. Mr.Keen looked at him again. "Fell, do you have something to say? If so, you can say it out loud. " He spoke as Fell rolled his eyes. "No, sir" Fell barely mumbled but the teacher heard him anyway.
*Minutes later*
"Okay, Fell. Time up, now get out of my classroom." Mr.Keen said sharply, as Fell smirked and jolted up. "Finally!" Fell cheered as he ran out of the room enjoying the beauty in life. He didn't worry about getting anything from his locker sense he didn't really need it be begin with. He ran out of the door of the school and sprinted down the sidewalk. "Yes!~" He hummed and kept on running happily.
Fell groaned and grabbed his head and seen who he bummed into...Blue Boy...Oh how this was awkward... "..." "..." Both of them stayed quiet until one, which was Classic looked down and yelped with terror. This part of the sidewalk was in work, so it was broken. "Yeeep!" Classic screamed which made Fell jump, and the sidewalk broke in half.
"Ugh...." "Ow.." classic looked up, and seen only a hole all the way up, and dirt next to him. He turned and seen Fell next to him, who looked passed out.
Oh-No...Classic was totally doing to get punished...
~.                 ~
Wow that last line made me think wrong- 😂😂
See ya in the next chapter tho ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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