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JASON WINCED, shirking away from Roy. "You did not just Snapchat my frozen arm."

"I'm captioning this '#stillacoldbitch', and you can't stop me." Roy was blow-drying Jason's arm, while he tapped away furiously with his other.

He gave Roy a look. "Watch me."

"Speaking of watches . . . I already have a hundred."

Roy held the phone up, Jason squinting at the screen. He groaned.

"I hate you."

"Sure you do," Zatanna sat up achingly slow, rubbing the back of her neck. "How long was I out?"

"A few hours, give or take," Jason gave her a once over. "You okay?"

"Peachy," Zatanna ran a hand through her hair, freezing when she saw Roy holding a blow-dryer and Jason, with a shirt sleeve ripped off, sitting in a puddle of water, which was either very scary looking or some sort of foreplay if you squinted. "Are you—forget it." She gave Roy a look. "Take me back?"

Roy passed the blow-dryer to Jason, walking over to Zatanna, helping her up.


As soon as there were Roy's voice was barely a murmur. "Thank you."

"It's okay," Zatanna squeezed his shoulder gently. "I know all about stupid boyfriends who walk headfirst into danger."

"Really? You?" Roy raised an eyebrow. "Never picked you for the type to fall for guys like that."

Zatanna laughed. "Neither did I. But John had that way of getting under your skin."

"I guess some magicians don't even know all their tricks, huh?"

"That's . . . one way to put it."

"I barely know what I'm doing with him sometimes," Roy wringed his hands, "But it feels . . . right. Y'know?"

"Yeah," Zatanna said softly, "I know." She stumbled suddenly, gripping her side, wincing.

Roy steadied her, worried. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'll be fine," she reassured. "I'm at my stop anyway. Now, about that favour . . ."

Roy looked around them. They were in an alleyway, void of all 'Zatanna's probable stops'. "Are you sure—?"

Zatanna laughed. "Yeah. I am. And email me those files. Tonight."

Roy chuckled. "I will. See you around, Zee."

Zatanna reached over, squeezing Roy's shoulder gently. "Take care of yourself."

Roy watched as Zatanna disappeared into the shadows. "No promises."


"THIS IS PROBABLY NOT THE WORST THING I'VE DONE TO MYSELF," Jason said aloud to no one in particular, waving the blow-dryer at his arm lazily.

Roy reappeared at the doorway. And he looked pissed.

Real pissed.

"Oh no." Jason looked to the windowsill, the glass littered around the floor in a minefield—no escape. "Oh no."

"Yeah, 'oh no'. You idiot!" Roy poked Jason in his side, at his broken rib. Jason winced. "The only reason I didn't stab you for being an idiot was because Zee was there."

Jason looked down. "Sorry."

Roy sighed, running a hand down his face. He took a deep breath, composing himself. "You okay?"

"Dunno," Jason shrugged. (Which hurt.) "Are you?"

Roy snorted. "No."

"Okay," Jason looked down, "Sorry."

"Jesus, Jay," Roy groaned. "Stop beating yourself up about Killer Frost trying to beat you up. Give yourself a goddamn break."



"I killed Killer Frost once."

"Oh. Oh." Roy said. "Zombies?"

"If it isn't Talia, it's a . . . possibility."

"Damn," he breathed, in awe. "Zee took out a zombie. You took out a zombie."

"Zombies. Or animated corpses."

Roy blinked. "Wait, you don't mean—"

"I would have forgotten if it wasn't for Zee."

"No, Jason Todd, no—"

"We might be looking at magic."

Roy grumbled, kicking a glass shard in defeat. "Why is it never easy with you? The worst we could have ever fought when we were kids were robbers in black and white striped shirts. And now—?"

"We got zombies, magic, ice goddesses and aliens," Jason supplied with a grin.

Roy groaned in response.

"Come on," Jason gently punched Roy's left shoulder. "You have to admit, it's a hell of a lot more fun."

Even Roy had to laugh at that.

"I don't know about you, but that is not my type of fun. Like, at all."



"I still have Bruce's Porsche."

Roy's grin spread across his face. "Now, we're talking."


(a/n): ayyy i haven't updated in ten years what ?!?!? yeah this chapter is short and p boring yeah yeah i know exposition sucks but what can you do i had to wrap up zee's arc (she's fun to write but i don't think we'll be seeing her again) but maybe one of her mAgIc friends are gonna join the bois ????? who knows

n also i hinted a lot at the ending of this fic in this chapter so ooOOoOOo keep yo eyes peeled kiddos we're really getting into it now

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