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ROY PROMISED HIMSELF THAT HE WOULD NEVER SEE/HELP/KISS JASON TODD EVER AGAIN. Well, he lied. Because now, he had the tracker that Helena placed in Jason's phone in his hand as he rode through the desert in Jason's car, because like hell was he going to save that asshole's life and get sand in his pickup.

He didn't care that much.

(That was also a lie.)

Helena groaned in his ear. "Even your digital driving makes me queasy, R."

"Don't passenger drive me, H," Roy rolled his eyes, "Now where do I turn?"

"Left." Roy complied, banking left.

"Hey, Roy?"


"Just for the record," Helena exhaled. "I'm gay."

Roy's lips quirked up into a smile. "Ditto, H."

Helena laughed lightly, the communication device in his ear crackling slightly.

"You got this?" she asked.

"Yeah," Roy reached into the duffel bag tossed into the seat next to his, pulling out a mask and putting it on, obstructing his upper facial features in a dark red. "I do. Wish me luck?"

"Trust me, R," Helena's voice fizzled. "You don't need it."

Roy pulled the earpiece out, tossing it into the bag. He cast a glance in the direction of the red bow propped up against the stick shift, a smile passing his features before he turned back to the road, a mask of determination on his face.

He was going to save his ex. Again.

But first: some music.


JASON SPAT AT THE GROUND, his saliva gobbing on the ground, tinted red with blood. He looked back up at Talia, who was regarding him with a cold stare. Sweat dripped off his dark locks, plastered to his forehead. His jacket was discarded somewhere in the room, leaving him in his t-shirt as he was tied to the chair. If Dick was here, he'd probably comment on how this was something out of a bad sex scene on TV or something.

Dick needed to get a girlfriend.

"I already told you, Talia, I didn't hurt Damian." Jason drew a shaky breath. It was starting to get difficult to inhale, his chest aching every time he did so. Broken ribs? He shifted, something rattling around in his rib cage, making Jason grimace. Broken ribs. "If you don't believe me, that's on you."

"And yet, he was nearly beaten to death. With a crowbar. And a note: 'there can be only one'. Ring any bells?"

"Wait," Jason paused, "what?"

Talia let out a low growl, returning to the table covered in instruments, placing the baton down. "You, Jason Todd, are the most insufferable man to ever --"

The sound of yells outside cut Talia off, as Talia turned to the door, her head tilted. And the sound of . . . Stayin' Alive?

Jason blinked. he only knew one person who loved that song religiously. Taking advantage of the distraction, he leaned forward his feet finding purchase on the floor. He grunted, slamming his body down onto the chair, the wood splintering. Talia whipped around, only to be hit in the head with the arms of Jason's destroyed chair. She crumpled, falling to the floor.

Jason fell with her,  collapsing in a heap, catching his breath. "Take that, T--" His vision blurred and his head lolled, the rest of his upper body following suit.

In what was left of his vision, he saw the door open, and a pair of dark boots stepping through the door. A head appeared into view, a shock of red hair a blur in Jason's eyes. "Roy . . ." he murmured, as he was picked up, feeling himself being lifted off the ground.

"Shh, baby," Roy crooned, cradling him close to his chest, "I'm here."

Jason curled up, his hand gripping the front of Roy's shirt, making the red of his clothes turn redder. " 's getting dark," Jason hiccuped. "Roy?"


"I think I'm dying."

Roy's head swiveled down to face his, his expression unreadable. "Like hell you are."

"But I --"

"Jason." Roy kicked down the door in front of them, "Peter. Todd." he picked up Jason's gun on the table, forcing it into Jason's hands, "you did not drag my ass all the way out here to save you," he gripped Jason's chin, turning it towards him, "just so that you can die."

Jason laughed. "Okay."

"Jesus," Roy jogged outside, to the car parked behind the tower.

"What?" Jason's voice was high-pitched, almost drugged.

"When's the last time you've laughed? You sound like a hyena, dude."

Jason weakly punched Roy's shoulder, Roy giving him a quizzical look. "Meanie."

"Did you just say 'meanie'?"

"I'm dying," Jason whined, "Let me have my moment."

"Yeah," Roy chuckled, opening the car door, and gently setting Jason down. "Okay. Settle down you big lump. And don't die."

"Wait," Jason's voice was groggy, "is this my car?"

Roy slid over the bumper, hopping over onto the other side. He opened the car door, sliding into the driver's seat.

"Why?" Roy gave him a smug look, "You got a problem with me saving your ass?"

Jason painfully scooted over with a grunt, placing his head on Roy's shoulder. Roy froze.

"Not at all, sunshine," he buried his nose into Roy's jacket, inhaling deeply. "Not at all."

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