Chapter 10

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*** Kinky Smut Warning ***

We made it out to the limo; Richard sat on the left side, Till sat in the middle and I sat on the right. There was plenty of room but my anxiety made the 3 inches of space between Till and I non-existent.

This limo was suffocating me. I needed a cigarette. I took a deep breath before asking "babe can I have a cigarette?" I don't know why I don't just buy the fucking things myself; but I think Richard likes it when I ask him for his so I continually do that.

Richard smiled and leaned slightly about to dig through his pockets to find them when Till spoke softly "Don't worry Richard I'll just give him one" before pulling a silver metal container out of his jacket pocket. He opened it to reveal cigarettes uniformly lining the inside of the container held in place by a wide strap in the middle.

He delicately pulled one out and slipped it in my mouth. He closed the container slipping it back into his pocket and pulling out a lighter, the same silver color as the container. He flipped the top and flicked the lighter igniting the flame.

As he touched the flame to the end of my cigarette he stared into my eyes. His eyes spoke volumes in those few seconds of contact. They were gleaming. The intricate details and colors woven together in his iris put Afremov to shame.

I wondered what he was thinking. 'What was he feeling? What secrets and what desires were hidden behind those eyes?' I noticed he bit his bottom lip ever so slightly. He was intoxicating.

I took a long drag off the cigarette and rolled the window down a bit. Till resumed talking to Richard about the evenings plans. They both looked gorgeous chattering away about the different types of expensive alcohol we could all drink.

I just watched them both laugh and get excited about nothing at all; stopping to take the occasional long drag off my cigarette and flicking the ash out the window.

In no time my cigarette was gone and we were back at Richard's. Till and Richard exited the car and kept laughing like two barely legal girls going to their first night club together. I was perfectly fine walking behind them and admiring the view.

The trip up to Richard's room was silent on my part. We stepped through the doorway to Richard's room and Till immediately went after the liquor cabinet. Richard followed.

Till pulled a nameless clear bottle full of some brown alcohol out of somewhere and Richard got us glasses and filled them partway with ice.

Meanwhile I sprawled out on the couch. "It's 4:31 in the afternoon isn't it a little early to be drinking?" I said laughing as Richard set down our glasses on the table and flung himself on top of me.

"Nah, it's never too early for a drink" Richard responded pulling me up and basically sitting me in his lap. Till was sitting on the other couch kitty corner to us. He looked into my eyes again before raising his glass and saying "Amen". Before downing the whole thing in one go.

I leaned over and grabbed mine and Richard's glass off the table handing him his. I took a drink and choked and nearly vomited at the same time. It burnt and tasted like shit. I shook my head before setting down my glass and remarking "Jesus Fuck Richard what was that and Till how did you fucking drink that shit".

Richard took a drink emptying almost half his glass before laughing and saying "Babe its 18 year old scotch, if you don't like it go get something else".

I shook my head before standing up and heading to the cabinet. Richard yelled across the room "And because Till's not a little bitch like you". Till bursted out laughing and so did he.

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