Chapter 12

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***Smut Warning***

Much to my discontent and silent fury Sunday was fast approaching. The rest of Thursday and Friday flew by like nothing.

Now it's Saturday morning and I'm trying to spend every second with Richard. 'I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna do when he's gone'. He's been trying to make up for leaving so soon but it's out of his hands. Its out of our hands.

"I'm sorry about everything baby" he said sighing deeply before pulling me even closer to him in bed. I looked him in the eyes. "How long did you know before you told me?" I asked my voice cracking slightly and I felt my tears starting to form in my eyes.

"My manager Oliver told me that he booked a really important deal with a huge company out in New York on Monday, I didn't realise that I would have to leave you until after. I spent every second of every day trying to find the right time to tell you.. But I just couldn't find one".

A tear slid down my cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb before he kissed me softly. His soft lips pressed again mine was one of the things I'd miss the most.

I would miss so many things about him. I would miss so many things he would do to me. Like the fluttering in my stomach whenever he kissed me gently, the feeling of his hands running through my hair, the feeling of his fingertips tracing soft shapes into my thighs and the shiver that runs down my spine.

The feeling of his lips brushing against my ear, the chill that runs through me when he calls me baby, the feeling of his fingertips sliding into the waistband of my underwear to grope my ass.

His soft laugh. His smirk. The way my head rests perfectly in the crook of his neck. His intoxicating scent. His aura. The way he presents himself. The way his eyes almost glow when he gets excited. The way he can rock suits and sweats. Just him. Just Richard. I was missing all of him endlessly; and he hadn't even left yet.

"I gonna miss you so much" he said sighing deeply. "I'm gonna fucking miss you too" I mumbled pretty much whining. "What am I gonna do without you?" he whispered brushing his lips against mine. I pressed my finger against his lips even though he just asked the question we were both thinking.

"Don't think about that right now. That's tomorrow, this is today." He nodded slightly before grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles.

I stared deep into his eyes. "Just take me Richard. One last time." I said whispering against his lips and grabbing his hand and placing it on me. "Come on babe. Touch me.. Please". He licked his lips before rolling me onto my back and I giggled.

He pulled my hair slightly and I moaned gently. "That's my whore" his smiled grew wide as he pulled himself off of me and reached under the bed for the handcuffs tied to there.

Richard and I broke his smaller pair during one of our numerous sexual occasions so Richard invested into some more sturdier ones.

These ones were extremely different compared to the old ones. The old ones were just a simple pair that you'd tie around the headboard bars and my arms would stay up near my head. These ones pulled my arms out straight and we're tied onto the bars underneath the bed.

Richard pulled the cuffs around my wrists and fastened them and I felt my stomach stir as I tested the straps; pulling on them and having them only allow me to move half an inch or so. Richard then got up and walked over to his closet grabbing some things and coming back.

The first thing he had was a leather gag, the most striking thing about it was the red ball in the middle which no doubt I would bite on. I raised an eyebrow at it but complied when Richard commanded a simple request "open".

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