Chapter 15

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I wrote this chapter on the ride from Virginia to home and I like it a lot. I appreciate all of your guys feedback and comments, it makes me so happy to hear your opinions of this story as its my first Rammstein story. Also sorry if there is any typos I didn't proof read this chapter before I posted it. Anyway thanks for everything.

Till pulled me closer in bed and I leaned into him, our naked bodies connected in a tangled mess of sheets and skin. I knew I was still a little inebriated so I couldn't have been sleeping very long.

Till placed a kiss to the top of my head and I felt my heart race and my stomach drop with guilt. 'This isn't wrong.. We've done nothing wrong.. So why do I care so much?'.

Till is an excellent lover and he's quite charming; Richard obviously trusts him to 'take care of me' so why does it feel like I'm struggling to breathe. I was interrupted by my phone ringing faintly.


I jumped out of bed and Till grunted at my sudden movement. I grabbed my wadded up boxers from off the bedroom floor as I giggled basically running into the kitchen; despite my mind and feet going two different paces.

I dug threw my pockets and saw that my suspicions were correct. Richard's name illuminated my phone screen. I answered my phone gleefully.

My heart slammed in my chest as I heard his voice through my phone "Hey gorgeous.. Miss me yet?" I smiled instantly and a blush spread across my cheeks. "Hi angel.. And always." I said like a love struck teenager.

His soft laugh boomed through the phone as I innocently toyed with the necklace he gave me. "What time is it for you babe ?" I asked curiously. "Uhh New York is 6 hours behind you.. Its a little after 3 in the afternoon here" he spoke loudly into the phone.

I gasped loudly as I felt Till's strong, warm arms wrap around my suddenly cold body. "You alright baby?" Richard asked voice full of concern. I laughed slightly and responded nervously "yeah of course babe.. I'm just at Till's place and he scared me".

Richard's voice dropped considerably as Till laid his head into the crook of my neck. His was clearly shocked but still tried to remain positive "Oh babe.. That's great.. What are you doing with him?". I picked up on his discomfort so I knew I couldn't tell him the truth.

"Nothing angel. Till showed up at our place after you left and said that he was gonna take me out and cheer me up.. So we've been hanging out at his place. I think I needed a change of scenery or else I would have laid in bed all day moping about you honestly". He exhaled hard into the phone before saying quite relieved "Oh okay baby that's not a problem.. Look I'm sorry about everything but I gotta go my rides here.. I need to get to my hotel and then go to a meeting straight after so I'll talk to you tomorrow okay baby?".

My stomach turned with guilt for lying to him. But I knew that if he knew that he hadn't even landed in New York and I was off fucking Till; it would not do any of us good.

I tried my best to sound as normal as ever "Yeah no problem love.. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you". He chimed into the phone a sweet "I love you too honey" before ending the call.

I set my phone down on the counter and I pulled away from Till; I sat down on the couch and grabbed the still quarter way full bottle of cherry vodka and I drank heavily. It stung more this time as it went down than before.

Till made a repeated small noise "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk" before sitting down next to me and lighting up a cigarette before speaking condescendingly "Such a shame.. Master's little baby is such a dirty little liar.." I shot him a glare before defensively shouting back "I didn't fucking lie to him".

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