Chapter 11

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"Aaaaaah!" I jumped up from my bed screaming. I panted and shook my head looking around me. It's fine. It's all just a bad dream. I put my head in my hands when suddenly another loud crash was heard from down the corridor. That's it. I pulled back the covers and jumped out of my bed waving my arms and carefully treading around the pitch black floor. I felt the handle to the door and pulled down opening it slightly cringing at the slight creak it made. I looked around and heard footsteps from down the corridor. I frowned and flinched my door open bursting out into the corridor to almost get run over by a slightly panicked looking Frederick. I glared up at him and crossed my arms. "What the hell is going on? You're gonna wake everyone up." He looked around slightly anxious and looking ready to run. "Hm? Oh nothing. I just....need a glass of water. Yeah." I raised an eyebrow at him. He tried to get past me but I carried on blocking the corridor.
"What did you do? What was that crash?" I questioned him and he stood his ground but I saw in his eyes that he was getting agitated. "I'm not even going to ask what happened in your room before but you have to te- HEY!" He pushed me aside and started walking away from me. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He snapped round bending down to match my height with a dark glare.
"Listen girlie. I haven't got time to be fucking around with you. I've got somewhere to be and you can't interfere. And if you do, I can make you lose your job like that." He emphasised snapping his fingers. The flesh on his fingers seemed to rot away and I stared in horror as a sliver of silver emerged. He hid his hand and turned back round storming off. "You did not se-"
"YOUR HAND TURNS INTO A FUCKING CYBORG AND YOU TELL ME I DIDNT SEE IT?!" He growled in response clutching his rotting wrist.
"Just don't tell anyone."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN DONT TE-" Once again, Frederick whipped round but this time grabbing me by the shoulders with a human hand and melting flesh hand.
"Listen I'm having enough problems without you going around telling everyone I'm a monster. So please, don't tell." I stared silently and he seemed to accept that answer as he released my shoulders and strode away down the corridor.
This crappy chapter was requested by @20140G
Guys I really think I lost my touch in writing. Wtf is with me. Anyways...YAAAAAAY AUTHOR HAS RISEN!!!
Feel free to tell me if you enjoyed it (probs not). Also if you guys remember there was something bout a paper so feel free to give me your ideas on what was in it :3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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