'Miahnae Jagiya. I can't make it today. Something important came up today. Maybe some other time.' I sighed and closed my phone quietly. This is his fifth time canceling on our movie night. I miss him.

"I haven't seen him in two weeks." I mumbled before walking out my apartment door and out to celebrate a friends 20th birthday.

I knew today was going to be boring. Whenever i'm not with Jungkook i'm at work. But today was my day off and he canceled on me, again. I was hoping he'd be here by the time i'm back from the party but looks like I got my hopes up for nothing,

"Don't think like this ChoonHee-ah, he's an idol. What do you expect?" I talked to myself as I walked to the restaurant. "He has priorities. I have to respect him." I nodded to myself.

"ChoonHee-ah! Over here!" I looked around and saw my two friends waving at me. I smiled and walked towards them, putting on a positive attitude so they don't ask questions.

"Happy birthday Daehyun Oppa~!" I said to my old high school friend, and also the one who confessed the same day Jungkook confessed.

He grinned and accepted the present I gave him. "I'm glad you can make it." He said, wrapping his arm around our friends waist. Did I forget to mention? He moved on and started dating the girl that had a crush on him for a while and I couldn't be any happier. They make a cute couple~

"Oppa, don't act lovey dovey in front of her." SooYun nudged his side to drop his arm. They still think i'm single. But little do they know, i've been with Jungkook for almost 2 months already. Time flies when you're having fun am I right?

"Ani, I think you guys make a cute couple." I waved it off. I don't mind if they act 'lovey dovey' in front of me, cause I know if Jungkook and I were public like that, he'll do the exact same thing.

"Let's eat~!" Daehyun cheered before taking a seat.

We ate and laughed while we talked about our high school memories.

"Remember when our Maths teacher called out on ChoonHee to answer the question but she was already asleep!" SooYun giggled. I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's not my fault ChulSoo Oppa kept me up and forced me to help him study." I pouted.

"Don't forget all the cute moments ChoonHee had with the guys." Daehyung wiggled his eyebrows. I blushed and looked away from his weird stare. "Nothing happened with them." I muttered.

"We know we know~" SooYun teased, pinching my cheeks like a grandma would to her grandchild. Ouch.

"She just kept rejecting them left and right!" Daehyung burst out laughing causing me to kick his leg 'accidentally' under the table.

"Omo! Omo! Omo! Omo!" SooYun bounced in her seat, shaking my arm as she squealed. What's with the random outburst? Great she dropped my spoon.

"Mwo? What's wrong?"

She pointed at a table and giggled. "It's BTS Jungkook!" My eyes widen. "And he's with a girl! Omo! Are they dating!?" She whispered yelled to us in shock. Girl? Dating? I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.

I turned around and she was right. There was Jungkook sitting next to a rather beautiful girl. They were laughing and smiling with each other as if...They were dating...I shook my head. Ani. He wouldn't cheat. I know him.

"Let's go get an autograph!" SooYun begged, grabbing my arms and dragging me off before I get to say anything.

"Wa-wait SooYun-ah, I don't think this is a good idea-"

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