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"What do you mean she moved away?!" Jungkook shouted in shock.

NamJoon sighed. "I was on my way to my piano lesson and the manager told me ChoonHee quit and moved apartments."

"Why do you even care? You're the one that cheated." Yoongi sneered, before continuing his stretching on the practice room floor.

Jin flicked Yoongi on the forehead. "Be nice. He knew what he did was wrong, stop giving him a hard time."

"Hyung, please understand that I DID NOT cheat on her! What do I have to do to make you believe me?" He pleaded at Yoongi.

He scoffed. "Bring ChoonHee back." Everyone knew Yoongi was fond of the small girl. She was like the little sister he always wanted. And now that his band member screwed up, he's been in a bad mood the whole week.

"You know I can't do that..." Jungkook gulped.

"Then I don't believe you." Was all he said.

"let's not fight guys. Please, let's just continue practice." Hoseok pleaded.

"Hoseok Hyung is right guys. We can't let her come between us." Jimin interfered.

As the guys started practicing, Yoongi couldn't help but notice how sluggish Jungkooks dance moves were. His eye bags gotten deeper as well.

'Maybe I am being too hard on him.' He thought as he watched Jungkook trip over his own feet, something rare for him considering he's an amazing dancer.

Meanwhile, it's been a week since their break up and ChulSoo finally put his foot down and demanded ChoonHee to get out her room and into the shower. Yes, it's been hell for her.

She only ate dinner, she never talked, sleeps all day with puffy eyes, and even cries in her sleep. It ached ChulSoo to watch his little sister breakdown every two minutes. Literally everything reminded her of Jungkook.

Jungkook was her first ever boyfriend. He was her rock. She needed him more than anything but yet Jungkook decided to crash it all down over some other girl.

"Is everything packed ChoonHee-ah?" ChulSoo slowly opened the door to her room and saw everything was in boxes and her room that were covered in BTS posters, (Hoseok gave them all to her) was now safely stored in a bag.

She nodded and gave him a small smile. "Ne."

ChulSoo decided it was best to move to different apartment buildings. Jungkook tried to come over and talk to her one day but luckily ChoonHee was fast asleep and ChulSoo answered.

That night Jungkook went home with a bloody lip. ChulSoo felt no regrets and decided to move so Jungkook doesn't try anything further.

"Just rest on the way ChoonHee-ah." He cooed, taking her head and placing it on her shoulder. ChulSoo quietly told the taxi driver the new address so ChoonHee couldn't hear. It was a surprise.

She closed her eyes and easily fell into deep sleep with one person on her mind. 'Jungkook...'

"Thank you for your hard work!" The guys finished their shooting for their new MV 'Blood Sweat and Tears'. Jungkook felt so tired from all the acting, dancing, and heavy make up that he just wants to sleep in ChoonHee's arms again. 'ChoonHee, bogo sipda...'

"Let's head to dinner for a celebration on the finishing of BST!" Taehyung suggested, putting his arm around Jungkooks neck and rocking him back and forth. Jungkook, who was quietly listening to his solo song deep in thoughts, just nodded mutely.

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