Chapter 11: Mission Impossible : Adrian

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Song is from Ninety9 Lives. Support them on Itunes!

Dipper POV
Mabel and I hopped in the cart and drove home. During the drive, Mabel flooded me with questions on how to impress a guy she likes and that stuff.
"Mabel, listen to yourself" I said as I glanced at her. "You are more than head over heels for this guy, you're obsessed with him. If you really want to make him like you, just be yourself. Nothing makes a guy like you than being simple and true to yourself, and don't be one of those girls to just change themselves for a guy" Then I saw Mabel eyes filling with tears. I slowly park the cart about a few blocks from the Shack.

"Woah woah, Mabel. Why are you crying?"
I know Mabel and what was about to happen.
Get ready for her breakdown Dipper, you can handle this.
"LOOK AT ME DIPPER! WHY WOULD A GUY EVER LIKE SOMEONE LIKE ME?!?" Mabel shouted at me as she got off the cart.
Then she started to calm down and she fell to her knees. "Dipper... After what you said about people changing themselves to make another person like them, I thought I was going to be one of those.." I look at her face full of tears and sadness.

"Mabel, you will never be one of those people. You're my twin and I will always be there for you. I am going to help you with Adrian, I promise" Her eyes widened and she hugged me.

She whispered under my shoulder. "Thanks Dipper, I really needed that. I'm sorry that I just went all out like that. I've just been really all worked up by homework and other things."

"It's alright. You have your way with dudes, remember Mermando?" She chuckled a bit.
We smile at each other. I ask her for an Awkward Sibling hug.
"Awkward Sibling hug?"
She nodded
"Pat Pat" We said in unison

We got on the cart and finally drove home.

As soon as we reach the Shack, Mabel goes to our room to wait for me.
God, Mabel is obsessed with this guy. Well she did have boy problems in the past...
I walk up the stairs and open the door to see Mabel was pacing around the room.

Mabel POV

What sweater should I wear? My Basketball Dog? Nah he'll think I'm silly. Should I even wear a sweater? What about a shirt?
I was pacing around the room trying to figure what I should wear to make Adrian like me. Then I hear the door open, I don't care who was at the door I already havemy problems.

"Uhm Mabel, are you okay?" Dipper was really worried about me. "Mabel, sit down and ask me what you need help with"
"Okay okay. What should I wear?"
"Wear what you feel comfortable in. If he doesn't like what you wear, screw him"
Dipper was right. I should just be myself.
"And if he doesn't like you for who you are, It's his loss"
"B-but Dipper..." I was worried and my voice was shaking.
"What Mabel?"
"I really like him and I want him to like me"
Dipper let out a big sigh then reached for his bag and got something out of it.
"If that really means that much to you, bring this and talk to me before and after you talk to Adrian"
He handed me a small phone.
"Woah Dip, where'd you get that?"
"Mom gave it a while back"
"Aww why didn't mom give one?" I did a little joking frown.
I was a little jealous because mom didn't trust me enough to give me phone.
"We're getting out of topic here. Look Mabel, just be you. Now go talk to him" I
"Wait wait wait waaait wait wait. You want me to talk to him alone?" I felt my face
"Well yeah. So you could get to know each other better"
"No Dipper! That's too awkward"
"How about this? Sam, Candy and I could tag along BUT make sure that you talk to Adrian, not US, but Adrian. Deal?"
This could be perfect and be less awkward. Hmm...
"That's great!" I was jumping with joy. Dipper laughed a bit at my happy self.

"Let me just call Candy and Sam"
"Sure bro-bro"

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