Chapter 14: Best or Worst?

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Dipper POV

The sunrise was beautiful. I know because I was up THAT early. I was about to call Candy but Mabel was up.
Geez, I thought you wanted to sleep until pigs fly?
I chuckle. Mabel went down to eat with a smirk on her face. I wonder what was that for.

*ring ring*
C: "Hello?" Candy said sounded tired.
D: "Oh sorry, did I wake you up?"
C: "Dipper? Nah its okay. My mom woke me up"
D: "Soooo, about last night. Want to go somewhere and maybe t-talk about it?"
C: "Dipper Pines! Are you asking me out?"
I'm compromised!!
D: "What?!? No I u-uh, uhmm j-just" I was stuttering all over the place.
C: "Well my answer is yes, Pines."
D: "Uh okay? I'll uh pick you up later?"
C: "Yeah sure"

We hung up and Mabel was at the door, staring at me with her cute smile and disturbing killer eyes.

"Candy huh? No surprise. And don't worry bro-bro. Your secrets are safe with me" she winked.
"I u-uh uhm j-just" Crap Crap Crap
Mabel playfully punched me in the shoulder. I gave an embarrassed smile.
"You should plan what to wear. Maybe wear a tux?" "Woah Mabel, its just going to be a casual hangout and not a serious date. I wonder if you could call 'THIS' a date, and I'm not rushing into anything." "Dipper, I know you, you always talk in sophisticated pharagraph-tingamajigs in a simple conversation when you REALLY like someone"
Oh yeah.
I haven't noticed until now.
"Oh yeah. I'm sorry Mabel, its just, I wanna impress Candy and not screw this date up like every other dates I have. I went on three dates Mabel, THREE, and I failed at those. Remember my first date?" I get disgusted remembering my first date, but that is a story for another time. "Yeah but don't worry Brosef, I bet this date will go great. How do I know? I am the MATCH MAKER!!!" Mabel answered her own question.
We both laughed. I ruffled Mabel's hair while I said. "Now as the Match Maker, will you please pick out a casual 'attire' for this date?" I quoted my fingers when I said 'attire'. "Is there a higher honor?" Mabel dashed to my closet and pulled out every clothing she could find. She looked at everything and then she put the clothes back in the closet and she looked at me. "You have the worst wardrobe ever Dip. Time to go shopping!" "We don't have money remember?" "Oh. Uhmm.. Wear this"  She handed me a black shirt that had a little white around it, a flannel and some black jeans. "That is my flannel so take care of it" she pouted. "Thanks Mabes" "No prob bro" She put a thumbs up then left the room.
Mabel may be smarter than me, atleast in the social world.
And where did she get this flannel?
I see tag hanging on the side of the flannel. On it is written 'To my number one supporter, Mabel Pines. -Alex H'
Damn Mabel, didn't know you were a Hirsch fan

Mabel POV
"No prob bro" I said as I walk out of the room. I go to the dark part of the gift shop and pull out my phone and dial a number. A deep and raspy voice from the other line starts talking. "So how was the plan?" "It is going as planned, he isn't suspicious about anything" "Good"
I hung up the phone.
This is going to be Legen- wait for it....- Dary, Legendary! Dipper won't know what hit him.
I thought to myself.
Then my phone starts ringing, I get startled, thats why it took me quite a few seconds before I could pick it up.
It read ... 'Candy'??!?

Candy POV
"Yeah sure"
I hung up the phone all calm and cool but actually, I was panicking all around the room, my mom went to my room startled by all the screaming.
"Candy, what is with that screaming?" "Oh uhh, uhm... Nothing mom" "Okay keep the noise down"
Did I just get a date from THE Dipper Pines?!?
What am I going to wear?!??
Then I thought of the only the person that could help me with a love problem like this.

I grab my phone and when I dialed in Mabel's number in such a hurry, I almost dropped my phone.
*ring* *ring* she didn't pick up the first few rings which made me worry a little. After a few seconds, she picked up.

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