Ala Ala. (couldnt think of something)

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Today was boring as always. I sat during my last class of the day looking out the window at a senior class in physical ed.

"Candy are you even listening to me" My friend Nichol said nudging me on the shoulder

"Sorry what, I wasnt paying attention"

She looked at me with an annoyed expression on her face which in turn earned a wide smile from me

"I was asking if you are still coming over this afternoon."

"Sure i will come around 5"

"Yeahhhhh!" She basically shouted and that earned us a few stares from the class. But since we are popular nice girls not mean girls they played along and laugh or something.



I headed over to Nichol's house which is huge. And since I basically lived their I let myself in.

"Nicky im home!" I said as I sat down on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on and just then she came in with two cheese burgers.

"Hey isnt Sunny coming over?"

"Yeah she would be hear in a minute."

Just then someone opened the door and there came my other bestie Sunny. Nichol, Sunny and I have been together since birth and we plan to keep it that way

"Sorry im late Andy and I were in the middle of something" She said blushing the entire time.

"Ahhh yes something as in making out and disturbing the peace of my neighbours in his car outside yes?" Nickie implied comimg out of the kitchen with drinks and a burger for Sunny.

It came closing into midnight. Nickie's parents werent home because they were on a business trip. So guess what we did next..

Yep we cuddled up in her room and talked about boring stuff. But just having each others company was fun.

"So I guess we could talk about boys" I suggested to lighten up the mood more.

My suggession made Sunny blush like crazy.

Sunny being the shy bunny in our group and a sucker for love. After she and Andy got together she became all sweet and blushing non stop and just seeing her being so happy bring tears of joy to my heart.

"Do we have to. I mean we can watch a scary movie or something." Nichol said motioning to her laptop.

"No way Nickie you know I hate horror movies and besides....
I dont have Andy here to comfort me." She mumbled from behind a cool emoji pillow."

I could understand why Nichol wanted nothing to do with boy talk tonight because she just broke up with her boyfriend for cheating on her and during those crisis all girls thinks men a dogs bla bla bla.

"Ok let have Candy decide"
They turned their head to me waiting for a reply.

"Well to be honest I hate horror movies, better yet I have never watched one in my life."

"Fine but we better not talk about you know who."
Nichol said taking the pillow from Sunny.

"Ok lets start with you Candy anyone you saw looking good?"
Sunny said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Actually no and if there was i wouldnt notice cause im always day dreaming."

"So true like seriously how do you plan on getting married?"

"Too far ahead first she needs to find a boyfriend"

"Nuhh uhh she aint even have her first kiss yet"

My head keep going back and forth between them as they talk about me like im not even here.


Yeah its true I never had my first kiss and boyfriend. And no its not like im waiting for the perfect guy or anything its just that i couldnt care less about things like that now.

But I guess its my fault i dont have my first kiss. Im the most dense person on the planet.

"Guys i think your right. Maybe its time for me to step out of that shell"

They both looked at me like if i had grown two heads.

"Candy you're the last person i would expect to hear that from"

Sunny nod in agreement.

"And besides what do you even plan on doing"

I took me a minute to actually think of a plan.

"Ok, its that simple find someone who came give me my first kiss."

They looked at me again like if i had three heads.

"And not just anyone I would need someone who is experienced and can teach me how to kiss."

"You set your bargon high Cans but where are you finding someone like that?"

Its just like Nichol to think out the box. But she had a point

"It shouldnt be to hard since we are popular and all"

They nod in agreement.

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