Bonus chapter Ala Ala Ala

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Andrews POV.

I swear my big brother is the absolute worst. Why you asked, because no normal sibling would throw a f*cking bucket of cold water on your face in the middle of the night.

Not to mention a school night to go to some dumb hippies' gathering. No one would think the great Ethan Johnson would be into this stuff.

"Hey cupcake what you thinking about? "My brother asked ruffling my hair from the drivers side of the car from my his car.

"No its not like I'm pissed off or anything." I retorted giving him a glare.

"Oh good because then you'd have to walk home" he said with all seriousness in his voice and trust me its happened before because I ate the last pack of M&Ms.

I turned my head to look out of the window avoiding my brothers oh so familiar irritating smirk. Yet girls melt by it. I mean not that I'm egocentric or anything but my brother and I had really good genes.

The car came to a holt and my brother shock my shoulder
"Come on cupcake we are hear. "
Ethan said getting out of the car I followed behind him as he made his way over to his friends Parker, Will and Angie. Angie was the weirdest out of his friendly circle. Dont get me wrong she's cute very cute infact. Yet she didnt see it. I guess thats a good thing. Because I love it when she roffle my hair and hug me making all the guys jealous. But I'll never see her in that way, to meet she's a klumsy overbearing big sister by one year.

And then there is Parker, you'll definitely expect him to be at a hippie gathering. With his shaggy dirty blond hair and and tanned skin tone all natural and his surfer boy mindset he was the exact stereotype.

And then there is Will. The typical bad boy. Black leather jacket,motorcycle, sunglasses. The only thing that moved him away from that typical stereotype was that he was actually a big nerd. I mean I take after him with being a huge bad boy.....sort of.But my brother says im too uptight.  but as for Will, he was really smart. And besides my brother I really look up to him.

"Andy!!! " Angie said pulling me into a big hug. She smelt like roses. "I'm so glad you're hear... wait what are you doing here you have a big day tomorrow. "
She said giving my brother and I a confused look.

You see my brother and I have a pair of the most overprotective parents there is and because of that they decided to home school us for three years which resulted in my brother and I missing out on the first year of high school. It sucked big time.

But after a little convincing they changed there minds and got us enrolled in the nearest high school with the rest of our friends though they are in the second year of high school including my brother.

"Well if you asked me I think it was pretty necessary to have you here, its time to live a little " Will said swinging his arms around my shoulder.

"What you guys waiting on let's go. "

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