Cla Cla (couldnt think of something)

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"So whos the boy you were talking to?" Nichol asked as we got seated in our first class of the day.

Unfortunately Sunny had a different class nooooooo

"Honestly I have no idea"

It was so strange, i didnt even bother to ask his name. But he must figure out who i am eventually.

The teacher walked in and everyone settled in their seats.
"Ok good morning everyone we have a new student joining us."

Thats when he walked in, to me it was like in slow motion.
"Hey my name is Andrew Johnson nice to meet you."

You could here alot of snickering from the girls because they like what they see and like duhhh he is hot

Noooo stop thinking about him damn it

"Ok you can have a seat next to.......oh yes sit next to Candy. Please raise your hand for me Candy"

Say what now

Nichol gave me apologetic eyes as he sit on the other side of me. The teacher turned around to write something on the bored when he started talking

"So Candy huh pretty name" he said smirking.

"You are not so bad yourself"

That made him smirk and made me blush like what is wrong with me.

The class carried on with the both of stealing glances at each other and blushing afterwards.


It was lunch time finally when me Sunny and Nichol ate lunch. Normally Andy, Sunny's boyfriend would joined us but he had a favour to do for a friend and said he will catch up in a while.

"Wait so you guys were listening the entire time"

They both nodded

"Dont be so surprise do you really think we would let you have a cute guy next to you and not eavesdrop like come on Candy" Sunny said while sticking an apple in her mouth.

Andy came over with Andrew behind him and almost make me shit my pants

"Hey guys this is my good childhood friend Andrew. Andrew this is Nichol, my girlfriend Sunny and im pretty sure you met Candy"

We all gave shy hi and wave and then they sat down to join us.
It was awkward for me because im that weird girl who tends to over think things and make myself sick.

I stole a glance of Andrew only to see those eyes looking at me like ahhhhhh.
Play it cool candy just play it cool.

"Hey guus i would be right back"

Yeah they didnt suspect anything. They just nodded and continue with their conversation.

I was on my way to the bathroom when i felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me to the side of the hallway.

"Andrew what is wrong with you"

"I could ask you the same. Im i making you feel uncomfortable in any sort of way?"

His eyes looked at me intently as if begging for an answer.

I sighed outloud

"No its not you its just that ever since the bus well.......

"You have never actually been kissed have you"

Ok that caught me off guard. And am pretty sure the stupid blush on my face gave me away.

"Woah i guess i was right" he continued with a smirk on his face.

"Ok listen its not a big deal or anything its just i never cared about things like that...

"Until now"  he finished what i was going to say.

"Yes until now"

He continued" well that will be expected you are developing feelings and things very nicely might i add. But im surprised you are even single"

The whole time i stood there with a stupid look on my face.

"Ok lets just get back to the others ok"

I started walking off when he said

"How about i help you with that, you know, give you your first kiss."

I turned around to him with a serious expression on his face. No smirks nothing.

"Now why would you want to do that?" I asked him very curious for his answer.

"Dont get me wrong my fortune said i would kiss someone today but it also said i would help someone in need of pleasure"

In need of pleasure ohhh my god what if he thinks im a walking horny chick that wants to just go around experiencing things.

"Im ummm......"

Just then the bell rang and everyone started fillimg the hallways.

"Tell you what, if make up your mind come to school around 5:45 tomorrow. I'll be here"

And with that he disappeared in the crowd.

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