Bla Bla (couldnt think of something)

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The sleep over ended and we up got ready for school.

After we left we headed over to the bus stop to wait for the bus to drop us to school.

It pulled up a few minutes and it only had limited seats. So Sunny and Nichol sat in the seats to the back and i sat behind them in the row with four seats to the rear end.

My morning was going so peaceful until i started hearing moaning noises to the side of me.

Right next to me was some kid that i havent seen before making out with the school's booty call Angel.

Now im disgusted but curious at the same time. It had me wandering what my first kiss would actually feel and be like.

But i must say the new kid was fine as hell. Dark curly hair,which makes you want to run your hands through it. Light brown skin and greyish blue eyes which are very hypnotic and he was also wearing an exotic body spray.

I didnt realised i was staring at them until booty call cleared her throat.

"Im sorry but is there somethimg you need Candy?"

For once its not like a movie where the bitchy girl asked a question without being rude.
Mainly because she knows better than to mess with me.

"Oh no carry on its not like im feeling to throw up or anything, but just so you know i will aim for your face."

Sunny and Nichol were looking at us having our conversation and when they realised that a fight wouldnt start they smiled and turn back around to sleep.

Well nice talking with you cause when the bus came to a holt she scrambled to a seat at the front of the bus with the rest of her booty calls.

I sighed out loud and closed my eyes leaning back on my seat and thats when I felt eyes, very sexy by the way looking at me.


I turned again to see those eyes looking deep into my soul.

"Did you like what you see?"

Is this kid crazy or what

"Im sorry but noo i like to keep my breakfast down."

This time he pulled mouth wash out of his bag and gaggled like crazy and spat it out the window.

"Phew now thats better now back to the question"

"I already said no"

"So why were you looking at us so attentively"

Damn hes on to me think of something goddamn it.

"I was wondering who could be so desperate to make out with a booty call thats all, you must really want herpes do you"

He smirked as he said this" well actually I didnt really plan what would happen i was following my fortune."

I stared at him in shock. He just kiss a girl he doesnt even know to just follow his fortune. Hmmm i like him already.

"But maybe it was suppose to be you what you think."

Now his face was close to my face and i could smell his minty breath. One move and we would be kissing.

Besides blushing like crazy which never happened before the bus came to a stop and i quickly moved away, nudge Sunny and Nickie on their shoulder so they could wake up and we exited the bus.

As we walked into the school building I turned around only to see those sexy eyes and face smirking at me with a wink.


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