Bonus chapter Bla bla bla

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This place was filled with hippie vans and loud music. There was also a bound fire to which we head on over to.

Besides being sleep deprived it was really good. As I munched on a corn dog someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to see Ethan signalling me to follow him.
"Ready to leave yet? " I asked as I caught up to him.
"Not quite but there is something that will blow your mind. "

"I highly doubt that Ethan"

"Well anyways.  I was minding my own business when I came across this booth over here" he said pointing to the old shack infront of us.

"Dude if you plan on making out with some chick in there I down care" I said turning around when he grabbed hold of my shirt.

"No you idiot, and if I needed to make out with a girl I'll be a proper gentleman. Not take her here. Besides there is someone.. "

"First you insult my office then wants to see me. How queer. "
An old lady's voice spoke from behind us making us both let out a light scream.

I held my hand over my chest feeling my heart beating past my MHR. (Comment below what you think that means.)

"Heyyyyy Mabel how's it been" Ethan said nervously scratching the back of his head. I took a while to take in this woman. She's not even old. She looks like she's in her mid twenties.

"You like what you see boy''
Crap she noticed me staring.
"Well to be fair you weren't discrete about it." She replied

"What.. how did you know......

"what you were thinking " yeah I read your mind just then. And well you kinda think out loud. She replied. Both she and my brother laughing.

Well that makes more sense.

"Of course it does''

 ''Oh my God could you stop it.''  I said running my hand through my hair.                                                   

  ''Alright i'll stop. geez Ethan you didn't tell me your brother was such a fun sucker.'' she said cracking up with laughter. I swear my brother have the weirdest friends. and who the f*ck uses fun sucker.

''I'm afraid that's why we are here. I want my little bro to see there is more ti high school than just education. " Ethan said resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Alright fine. " The girl I gathered name is Mabel said motioning for us to follow her inside that really old shack.

I hesitated behind my brother. But as I entered I realize that saying  Dont judge a book by its cover.

The interior was painted pink and purple with black curtains and furniture. In the middle there was a glowing crystal ball.

Of course my brother brought me to a fortune teller.

"Well what do you think. " my brother asked taking a seat at the table with the crystal ball on it putting his feet up.  Which earned him a smack in the head from Mabel.

"I'm speechless really. But very confused. " I said honestly.
My brother sighed in frustration. "Bro listen to me. There is more to high school than you realize. the best way to know is to get a little heads up so you wont look like a complete loser kay''

''Ok fine. and as for being a loser that's not gonna happen.'' I said reassuring him. 

''Good because I have a reputation to uphold.You know like ruling the school.''he said with a smirk. I swear he's full of it. and whats even worse is that i'm just like him.

''Alright Mabel hes all your.'' Ethan said pushing me in one of the seats opposite to where Mabel was sitting.

''Alright Andrew '' she said shifting the ball towards my side of the table. ''Now place your hands over the ball and keep it there until I say otherwise.

I did as shes told and the ball started glowing. The fact that they actually believe that something like this is true makes me question their sanity even more.

"Now I shall tell you your future. First you would be kissed by someone of experience. "

Someone of experienced. They really think that I was a stuck up bitch didnt they.

"You would then meet someone who you will please with pleasure. "

"Wait hold on a minute how the fuck it went from me kissing someone to actually pleasing someone. " I asked really irritated.

"Well that's for me to know and for you to figure out now is it" she said with a smirk.

"Alright you two its time for me to get little bro home. " my brother finally spoke up and motioned for the door.

"Yes indeed I believe you both have school tomorrow. " mabel side waking us out. The cool breeze hit my face making me sleepy once again.

We said goodbye to Mabel and the gang and head on home. The ride was peaceful and quite and I was glad for that I really needed to think about what I was gonna do when I get to school.

When we got home my brother and I quietly made our way up to our rooms and said our goodbyes. Sleep took over as soon as my head hit the pillows.

Unknown POV.

Tonight went way better than I expected. Ethan thought as he made his way over to his bed taking off his shirt and laying down. His phone rang beside him. Looking at the caller ID he saw it was Mabel.

E- missed me already Mabel

M- don't flatter yourself kid I called to make sure you guys made it home alright.

E- Alright mom, I'm in bed safe and sound. To bad you're not here with me huh.

M-could your ego get any bigger Ethan

E- I dont think so but my di...

M-tmi Ethan. And as for your brother you better look out for him. I feel bad as it is for telling him all that nonesence.

E- nah it will be alright. My brother may be a little uptight but he isn't a push over.

M- I still dont know......  But if you say so. Anyways someone has school in a few hours so get some sleep ok

E- sure thing gn


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