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uncertainty is like ripples of water, it might be there but the next second it might be not. it depends on something, something that causes it to create ripples perhaps. i've always hated uncertainty. i like building comfort in things that i am sure of. i cannot trust you if i'm not sure of you. uncertainty– this is what i've always hated about planning. i disliked planning because it stresses me out to no end if something goes out of it. it may seem ironic because it makes me look like i am a spontaneous person but really, i am not. i just refuse to take refuge in uncertainty. my love, you're saddened by the unapologetic changes. my heart breaks, i cannot bear to see you crestfallen and angered. i want to take you in and care endlessly for you. you're too precious, my dear. but we have no longer have things to latch on to. the only thing that is certain is how i am so sure that i hate uncertainty so much, i fear it but we are left with no choice. the future is full of it. we are diving in head first. hold my hand, let's conquer our fears because there is light when i see you. everything is better whe we do it together. take a leap with me onto the future. we're together in this, remember?


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