Chapter 3

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Since the day that Betty told Veronica about her feelings on Archie, the guilt has been piling up. The greater the guilt felt the further the distance Veronica is keeping herself from Archie. She avoids any contact with Archie when they are not talking in groups. She avoided his calls, and never replied to his text no matter how she's dying to reply. Sometimes she cries in her bed at night because she hates the feeling of missing him. All she wanted to be with him in a non-complicated situation where it doesn't involve hurting anybody.

Veronica was feeling sick all morning. Usually, she would just feel nauseous but that day she's been throwing up all morning.

"Honey, are you okay?" her mom asked.

"I'm fine mom. I think I ate something bad or something," she said while drinking a cup of warm water.

"You should just skip school and just stay in bed," her mom concerned. "You want me to book you an appointment to the clinic?" she asked.

"It's okay, this will probably go away, maybe all I need is rest," she said.

"Okay, then," she said. "I'm heading off to work, if anything happens and if you need me just call me okay?" she said as she kissed her daughter's forehead and Veronica nods.

Veronica then texted Betty and Kevin that she won't be coming for school today, calling in sick. She let them know so that they won't be looking for her.

Veronica is in her bed, trying to make the best of the day off by sleeping and resting. Her phone is on silent but it just won't stop vibrating and it's from someone she doesn't feel like talking to. After a while, she gave up and stares at the phone and at the Id.

"That's it," she said and she answered it.


"What do you want Andrews," she said flatly.

"I heard you're sick? Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me," she tries to convince him.

"But I do," he sighs.

"Do you need anything else?" she asked.

"Can you please talk to me? I need my best friend back,"

"I'm not your best friend, Betty is,'

"You know what," Archie says from the other line. "I'm coming over after school,"

"Archie! No!" Veronica yells through the phone.

"See you later," he said and hangs up.

"Shit!" she groans.

Veronica went to the bathroom and washes her face. She puts her hair in a ponytail, "it's okay it's just Archie your friend. It's just Archie." She tells herself in the mirror as she straightened herself.

"Just tell him to go home, and everything will be just fine." She said.

She wished that she did not put herself in such position in the first place. And deep down Veronica wished that Betty is not into Archie because she really likes him. Then she heard someone knocking at the door and she took a deep breath. She walked slowly to the door and gripped the doorknob.

She slowly opened the door to see Archie looking worried with his red messy hair.

"I missed you," he said and gave her a relief smile when he sees her.

Veronica doesn't know why but she slams the door in his face.

"Ronnie! Open the door!" Archie bangs on the door.

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