Chapter 3: Disgust

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She sat back in her seat, sighing. "Those Chicken Nuggets get all the action while I'm here doing nothing. Doesn't matter though, in two minutes I shall move to the evac and hopefully get some action then." She watched her timer. "Three minutes, great. More time to sit here and be bored." She sat still for a moment. "Nope. I'm going now. Who cares about Loves plan, I never follow a plan." She turned the key and started the engines. "Heh, this will teach Love to not tell me what I'm doing. I shall make my own plan!" She laughed and started flying the ship upwards. "Haha! You shall die soldier scums! Agent Disgust is coming!" She was flying towards upwards at a great speed. She was sing in to herself, hyping herself up for what she's about to see. She turned music on putting it on loud. She was so hyped that she started going faster. She flew ship over and stopped.

She saw a lot of soldiers surrounding her teammates. Her eyes widened with excitement. She turned on her speakers and spoke into a Mic for all of them to hear. She then quickly started to fire. "Knock knock! Its Disgust! Prepare to die!" Soldiers were dropping. Love have shoved Envy and Trust to the ground, getting them out of range of the gunfire. Disgust kept firing down onto the men, laughing with excitement. "Yes! Die!" Love quickly got up and grabbed his sword slicing at the soldier in front of them. Disgust hollered to the back of the ship. "Bluesy! Prepare to open fire! We gotta get the three on board!" She quickly turned to ship around and she opened the back end of the ship. "Yes Miss Disgust! I shall do as you asked." Yelled Bluesy. She looked over to the cyborg. He was tall and muscular, blue all around. He pulled back on his turret he had set up and began firing.

She spoke through her mic. "C'mon you idiots! Get aboard! We are out of here!" Love looked over to the ship and nodded. Envy slowly got up and started running to the ship followed by Love, who was carrying Trust over his shoulders. "Miss Disgust be ready to depart!" Bluesy said still raining bullets down on the men. "I know! Don't tell me what to do you oversized blue play toy!" She laughed quietly to herself. "I don't know if I should be offended by that or-." Disgust cut him off. "Be offended! It makes me happy!" Envy ran aboard followed by Love and Trust. Disgust closed the door of the ship and quickly sent the engines forward, leaving at great speeds. "Well, that was a close one!" Love yelled. Disgust laughed. "That was so much fun! I want to do that again!" Bluesy went up next to her. "Miss, we have two enemy fighter jets coming after us." Disgust smirked. "Good! Let them come. I'll kill them all!" Disgust said happily. Bluesy walked back and muttered to himself. "She scares me." Disgust laughed at it. "Hold on to your valuables! We are making a get away!" She sped up the engines. "Woah can you slow down we have a wounded!" Envy yelled. "Shut up Melanie! I don't wanna hear your crap! I got the speed I want to go! This is my ship!" Love sighed. "Just make sure we live." Disgust went faster.

Disgust looked at her radar, then looked ahead. "Alright I know how we deal with our little rodents! Get buckled in!" She heard seat belts being buckled and she smirked. "Oh, this is gonna be fun!" She went faster towards a tight space between two big rocks. She readied a missile aiming it at the weakest spot on it. "This should do it." The ship got closer to the rocks and she fired the missile. She sped the ship up. The missile blew right on the targeted area and the rock started falling into the other rock. She flew the ship right through it without being destroyed by the falling rock. She looked at her radar and saw the two targets dissapear. "Bingo!" She saw an explosion and smiled. "Well our two rodents have been distinguished! Thanks for choosing Disgust airlines. Hope you guys are enjoying your ride." She laughed a little and set the ships course for home and sat back. "I'd say that was the best and most fun I've had in a while." She laughed to herself and some calming music to just relax to. Love walked in and smiled. "Good job, you saved us." She shrugged. "It's my job, as usual." Love chuckled. "I know, but still thankful for the help." She nodded and sighed. "I just want to eat now. I am very hungry from just sitting out there not doing anything." Love agreed. His stomach growled and the two laughed. "How's Trust?" Love sighed. "He's hurt, but should be fine. Nothing serious was hit and the bleeding has stopped." She was happy to know Trust was okay. "Alright well, I want my space. I'm taking a nap." Love nodded and walked out, letting the door shut behind him. She was now alone in the piloting area. She laid back and rested. She was thinking about her next meal she was preparing to devour. She decided chicken and some pizza sounded amazing. She thought about food all the way home.

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