Chapter 2: Trust

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Trust laid on top of a hill, at a distance from the targeted room, where Love has placed his firework. He waited a bit and sighed. "Did he even detonate it? The guards should be reacting by now." Trust said. He looked through his scope and examined the outside. Their were guards still outside. They were just standing and talking, moving every so often. Trust sighed. He debated whether he should go make sure Love was okay. He finally decided not too. Love was an excellent assassin. He can take care of himself. He knew his role on the mission and that leaving his post or position can only make the mission worse. So he waited. "Hm. C'mon Love, we have a job to do." He checked his clock. "He has at max a minute to detonate that explosive." He waited. It was getting silent, too silent. He checked his rounds. "One in the chamber and I have enough for a stand-."

The sirens went off. "Took him long enough." He looked through his scope, looking for his first target. He saw multiple soldiers running around and getting in a defensive position. He aimed for the close one to Loves position and fired. The soldier dropped. "Bingo." His radio buzzed. "I'm almost out! Trust and Disgust! See how much of the party you can get away from me!" Trust heard gunfire and soldiers screaming. He buzzed in. "On it." He stood up and placed his sniper over his back. He pulled out two small smg's and smirked. "This is where the fun begins." He ran off closer to the base. He was running pretty quickly, he was always considered one of the fastest runners on the team. He kept his smirk, excited to get in and start fighting. He was getting bored as Love was having all the fun. He reached a platform with four guards posted. He ran closer and leaped. The soldier looked up at him in shock. They put their guard down. He landed and rolled, quickly turning and raising his weapons. He aimed and pulled on the trigger. The four men dropped before they could even react to Trust. He laughed. "Finally, I get some action! Who's next!"

He saw Love leaped through a window, quickly slashing at soldiers with his sword. Trust shook his head. "Show off." He ran towards the edge and leaped off of it, landing right behind Love. "About time you showed up!" Love said slashing at a soldiers chest. Trust laughed. "I though you would enjoy all the killing." Love agreed. "I mean, it's nice and all." The two switched sides, killing the closest soldier to them. "My side is clear. Let's start our way to the evac!" Trust said. Love nodded. "Right. I'll take lead!" Love made a strong slash at the soldiers pushing them back. Love then ran past Trust in which Trust followed behind. "You have the artifact?" Trust asked. Love looked over his right shoulder. "Yeah. It's in the bag. Trust me they were not happy about me taking it." Trust laughed at that. "Gosh dude, how bad did you hurt them?" Love shrugged. "Enough to make all their men to want my head on a platter." The two came to a halt on a platform. They were surrounded by soldiers. "Put your weapons down or die! You took an important artifact and we want it back!"

Love smirked. "What makes you think we will hand the artifact over?" The two heard the soldiers readying their weapons. A man stepped forward who seemed to be a higher ranked. "I will tell you once again. Put down your weapons or die!" He pulled out a pistol and kept it at his side. "We are taking the artifact with us. Sorry to say but you aren't getting it." The man signaled to his troops. Two of them walked forward and through a girl towards Love. "Envy?" Love grabbed her, help in her keep her balance. "I'm alright. They snuck up on me." She said. "You are gonna die, with all your men." Trust said. The soldier laughed. He pulled his weapon and fired. Trust felt a sting in his right side. He had a weird feeling. "Trust!" Yelled Love. Trust looked to Love. "The jerk shot me." Trust put his hand to his side. He looked at his hands seeing blood. His head was spinning. He had a bad feeling about this.

"Well. He doesn't hurt easily." The soldier said. Trust fell to his knees, holding onto his side. "You're gonna die for that!" Love said putting Envy behimd him. The soldier laughed. "Did you not as your friend shot? You three have failed your mission and will die." Love smirked at that. "Oh. I really like the number three, but the number above three sounds nicer." The soldier pointed his gun to Love. "Give me the artifact or die. I don't have time for your stalling." Love raised a brow to him. "Come again?" The soldier sighed. "The artifact or die!" Love smirked. There was an engine sound being heard that was only getting louder. "What is that!" The soldier yelled. "Calvary is coming." Envy said. "What she said, like I said, you are all doomed." Love smirked to the soldier. Trust smiled. He had a good feeling about this. The soldier took his eyes off of them looking for what was coming. The engine sounds wet only getting louder. "What is it!" All Trust could comprehend was love pushing him and Envy to the ground and loud gunfire and screaming.

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