Chapter 4: Love

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Love stood firmly infront of the Contractor. He had his back to them. He sighed. "Love, was the mission successful?" Love stepped forward. "Yes sir. We successfully retrieved the artifact and have brought it here. Only Trust was injured." The Contractor turned to Love and nodded. "Very good. You all have done well. May I have the artifact?" Love nodded and opened his bag. He pulled out a small circular object and placed it on the table. Love took a step back in line. "I am most pleased with your retrieval. It's a mission success. Make sure you all get rested up and eat. I'm sure your fellow teammates would love to see you. You're all dismissed except Love." Envy and Disgust nodded and walked out. Love sighed. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked. The Contractor laughed. "None of you have ever done anything wrong. Not yet at least." Love sighed in relief. "So why are you stopping me?" The Contractor looked at Love. "Lubbock, the mission was successful, don't get me wrong, but I have a feeling one of your fellow teammates warned them right before." Love raised a brow. He was shocked at that statement. He couldn't believe that there was any possibility of that.

"So, who else knows of this?" Love asked. "You, Jade, Mari, Yato, Louis, and Willow. My top six agents. It's obvious you six wouldn't do such thing since you are in the top." Love agreed. "Still telling all six could prove problematic." The Contractor nodded. "Of course, but it conflicts them if they are the betrayer. Anywho, I know you will do what must be done if you do find this traitor." Love sighed. He hated having to be told that. He never wants to kill a fellow agent. They are all like family to him. Having to kill one would hurt Love to his core. But, he also knew if this agent was a traitor, then he was never family to begin with. He looked at the Contractor dead in the eye. "I will do what I must." The Contractor smiled at Love. "Good Lubbock. I know I can count on you. You are dismissed. I'm sure your teammates will be glad to see you." Love nodded and walked out. All Love could think about was who is the possible traitor. He stepped out of the Contractors office and took a deep breath. "Phew. Sometimes, standing infront of him is hard." He told himself. "I think we all can understand that." Love froze. The voice sounded very familiar. He turned to it and saw it was Raven or Anticipation. Love has always knew Raven. He remembered the first time the two met. It when Love was taken. He was thrown into a back of a van. He heard some crying towards the back and he remember the first words out of her mouth. She told him she was scared and Love comforted her. He became Love because of her and he was too scared to tell her that.

She smiled to him. "Stop staring at me at like." She laughed a little. Love blushed and smiled back. "Sorry, I was just remembering the first time we met." She smiled at him. "You comforted me and took care of me throughout the early years. I can never repay you for that." She hugged him. "Lubbock, I'm glad you came home safe." She said calmly. "I am happy to be able to come back home to you." He heard some laughter behind him. "Awe, you two are too cute." Lubbock and Raven turned to them. It was Louis and Jade or more known as Pain and Hope. Louis chuckled at Jade's comment. "He hasn't asked me out yet." Raven laughed. "Well, is that suppose to be a sign?" The four laughed and the talked about the mission Love has just accomplished. "So, Trust is the only one hurt. We should go check on him." Louis shrugged. "I heard there's a one on one soon. Some new person verses Agents Despair and Hatred. "Two agents on one? Isn't that a bit overkill?" Raven asked. Louis shrugged. "As I hear she can take on two agents with ease, just like the top 6." Love sighed. "If that's the case I'd better go watch this for myself." Jade and Raven agreed. "I'm gonna go check up on Trust. Make sure he's okay." He turned and walked off. "Cya Louis." Love said waving to him. Louis only raised a hand.

"Hm. A new agent? I thought we had enough as it was." Raven said. Jade only shrugged. "I guess the more the merrier." Love though if maybe she is the betrayer. It made a little sense to him but that would make it obvious that she is. He shook the idea off. "Well I say we get there and watch. I'm interested in this new agent and what he or she is made of." Jade and Raven agreed and the three started walking towards the spectate room. "I'm really excited for this. I've been wanting to see a fight." Raven said. "Same. I'm kinda excited about our new addition to the family. I just hope it's a girl. Cause girls are so much better then guys." Love laughed. "I'm okay with either male or female as long as this person can be an asset to the team." Raven and jade laughed. "Only you Love. You would be the only one to say that." Jade said. "I agree. At least he has a good point. Louis would try to say some way out there theory of something and somehow tie that to this conversation." All three laughed. "I can totally see that from Louis." Love said. The three reached a door. "Let's just find out for ourselves." Jade said, opening the door.

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