Chapter 1 - Rainmaker

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The Fall of Humanity – Loh Splatoon prequel

Time and causality are a mysterious concept. Just as mysterious as the ancient rainmaker. A single chance meeting between a human and Octoling changed the fate of the new world. But what if there were no humans? What if the rainmakers secrets were unlocked? Only time will tell.

Authors notes

This is a short loose prequel to The Legacy of Humanity. While reading the full book isn't required, I recommend reading at least half so you know who the characters are, as I will not be reintroducing them for new readers.

Chapter 1 – Rainmaker

We all had dreams of wanting to control time. Who wouldn't want to undo mistakes they made, or see their future lives? But the concept has never come to fruition, and we can clearly see that the elder race had not achieved this. Perhaps time manipulation is simply something that completely defies physics. Or perhaps a God, or some other deity, simply won't allow it. But either way, all we can do is dream. And dream we shall.

Dr. Inkstein. Grizzco Industries.

Earth 2015 A.D.

A Boy was walking down the side walk of the metropolis that his family was visiting. While they were supposed to be on vacation, the boy's father was actually attending a business meeting. The boy also had no time to relax, as his mother was pressuring him to continue his studies, despite that he had just graduated high school, and expressed his disinterest in following in his father's footsteps. Speaking of footsteps, the boy stopped, as he heard the sounds of someone following him.

"Alice? I thought I told you to stay at the hotel," he said, and turned to the small girl that was tailing him.

"But you promised me that we would go play laser tag today!" The girl said, and puffed her cheeks out a bit.

"Oh, right." The boy sighed a bit. "Sorry, Alice, but I think we are going to put that on hold today."

"You said that yesterday!" She responded.

"I know, but our 'dear mother', is insisting I stay with father today. You know that she thinks I'm going to be the one to carry on the family legacy."

"Oh! I hate her!" Alice said with a look of sympathy. "It's not fair that she won't let us play together!"

"I have no idea why, either. It's not like I'm the academic type, and we both know you're the smart one in the family." The boy rubbed the top of his sister's head, and she giggled a bit. "After all, you skipped an entire grade."

"Who cares about that! You still owe me laser tag!"

"Tomorrow. Father's business is supposed to be concluded today, so I'm sure he can talk to 'that woman' for us." The boy turned to leave again.

"Eh... I can't trust you," Alice replied. The boy turned and gave her a surprised look.

"When have I ever broken a promise?" The boy asked. Alice gave him a rather stern look. "Okay, but when have I not made it up to you?" Alice couldn't refute that, and just looked away. "So just go back to the hotel. We can play a game or something when I come back. Assuming father and I even can come home tonight."

"Fiiinnneeee. But you'd better not break this one." Alice turned away, but not before giving her brother a disappointed look. She started to cross the street, but then they heard the screeching sounds of a car's tires. The boy looked in horror, as a car came barreling down the road, way passed the speed limit.

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