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Link was in second period with Zelda in Maths, so he could go and meet up with Saria at break and just say he went to the toilet. He knew that Saria had obviously asked Zelda certain questions and that she had obviously answered them, so it was bound to be about that. Link wasn't worried in the slightest though, and he was right not to be.

In second period, although he didn't sit very close to her, Link managed to ask Zelda about what had happened in the previous lesson.

"Did you speak to Saria last period?" He asked, keeping his voice at a quiet but hearable level.

"Yeah. She asked me the exact same question as before... I answered, truthfully" She replied, being wary of the teacher who was rather strict.

"Okay. She texted me asking for me to meet her at break, something to do with you"

"Well don't be too long" Zelda smiled, also not concerned at all, which she was also right about.

Once the bell rang, Zelda wiggled her eyebrows at Link, and told him to meet her at their 'normal' spot (Which was just a certain table in the diner). 

Link quickly walked up to where Saria told him to meet her, and waited a couple minutes by the PE block for Saria, who eventually showed up.

"Hi. What did you wanna tell me?" Link asked, trying to sound as polite as possible in this somewhat awkward situation.

"Well... I talked with Zelda this morning" She said, like she was trying to hint at something.

"Yeah... I did too" He said, acting completely oblivious.

"She told me some... Interesting things" She carried on the act, stepping closer to Link.

"What did she say?" He took a subtle step back.

"She told me that she was head-over-heels in love with you" She exaggerated.

"Is that all?" Link asked, obviously not at all phased by what Saria said.

"Well, yeah but-"

"Then I'll be going" Link said as he walked away.

He left Saria standing on her own whilst she hadn't really finished her 'point'. He felt bad, but not bad to the point of giving her more time when she was clearly trying to start some drama.

Link walked back to Zelda and sat down beside her, closer than he normally seemed to be. He explained what had happened, and Zelda laughed with almost everything he said.

"I feel kind of sorry for her though. She obviously has a crush on you" She said, still snickering a little bit.

"Yeah... Probably not for long though, let's be honest" He answered back, glancing at his phone for the time.

"Oh crap. I've got History next" Link exclaimed.

"Is that a bad thing? I thought that you liked History" 

"I do, but Saria is in that class. I didn't think that she would become such of an obstacle"

"She's still a regular Hylian like you and I. Besides, she's normally nice"

"You see way too much niceness in some people"

"Look at you right now. If it weren't for my 'seeing way too much niceness' then we wouldn't be where we are"

"But... I guess you're right"

"When am I not? I better start going to Media. See you at home" She said as she started walking down the corridor. Link stared at her walking away (quite creepily to someone who didn't know them) until she was out of sight.

Link then picked himself up and resisted the urge of hiding out in the toilets. What he feared most was awkwardness. He didn't want to respond to all of the stuff Saria spouted. He made his way to his History class and walked in as he normally would.

He was the sixth one in the classroom, Saria being one of the other people. However, she didn't seem to look twice at Link. He wished that they could just go back to two students that had nothing to each other. The rest of his lesson was no different than it normally were. He was relieved, but also confused. He expected some kind of conflict. If anything, Saria looked happy.

After an uneventful lunch, Link had to run to his locker to pick up a couple of books for his next lesson. He refused to put any of his books in his bag because he didn't want to 'waste a perfectly good locker'. This had landed him in so many tricky situations and late citations, but he was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.

He fumbled with the lock, failing to get the right combination for a minute. Once he managed to crack it, he scooped all of his books into his bag, not having the time to find the right ones. As soon as he shut the door and turned around, he spotted a few familiar faces. Ones he didn't want to see.

"What do you guys want? I'm not up for this at the moment" Link said desperately trying to walk away.

Groose stood in his way, towering over Link.

"You think that this happens 'when you're up for it'? Come on, you can't be that stupid" He replied, not moving out of the way.

"Then again... You got Zelda to fight your battles. Sweet little Zelda, of all people" Mido sneered, stepping more towards Link.

The mention of Zelda made Link immediately hang his head down, swallow hard and take a deep breath.

"You better watch your mouth" He replied, adrenaline already coursing through his veins.

He hadn't felt this for a long time.

"Or what? Are you gonna get your little friend Zelda to stick up for you because you're not strong enough?"

"Shut up"

"Look who's talking big? You think that you're all tough now?" Groose pushed Mido back and stepped in for himself.

"Let me go, or-"

"Or what? Is Zelda going to kill us with kindness?" Link clenched his fists as he took a deep breath.

Just before anyone could say anything else, Link grabbed Mido by the collar and shoved him against a locker that was close by.

"Say whatever the hell you want about me, but don't you dare bring her into it!" Link shouted, trying not to punch Mido straight in the face. For a split second, he felt guilt.

In that moment, his morals all fused together, he wasn't sure what was right from wrong and he felt like the past year had been for nothing. He knew that he weren't that kind of person anymore, but he felt like a different person entirely.

Link was so wrapped up in the moment that he completely forgot about anyone else that was there. That was a big mistake. A few seconds after Link had stopped talking, he felt a harsh hand on his shoulder, and a powerful punch to his back.

Short Tempered - Zelink Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now