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Link immediately dropped Mido and turned around to Groose towering over him yet again. The immense pain coming from his back was agonizing, almost to the point of Link crying. He found himself cornered, but he was quite a lot smaller than the rest of them, and managed to slip in between them.

"Seems that you're still a fighter" Groose taunted.

"I'm not. I gave that up a long time ago, and I am not going back to it" Link stressed.

"Not if we have anything to do about it. We miss having our little... Talks with you, Link"

"When were talks ever involved? It was just you being a-"

"You really are quite hilarious. Well, be seeing you soon. That's a promise"

They walked away, making sure to nudge Link as they walked passed. Link closed his eyes and let out a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down. He eventually gave up trying to compose himself, and decided to head straight home. He could easily tell Zelda that he just happened to get there before her. It wasn't like that was a lie either.

Once he got there, he flopped down on the couch to try and think for a bit, but instead he was met with an unpleasant shot of pain right where Groose punched him.

Just one reason why I don't miss this he thought. Crap. What am I going to tell Zelda? Now that we're in a relationship, am I supposed to tell her about this? Sure, the last time anything got physical was last year, but am I required to tell her everything now? She'll only want to help... But is getting her anymore involved a good idea? I really don't think so.

He delicately sat up, being wary of the pain right in the middle of his spine. It was going to bruise for sure. Luckily it was in a place that he didn't show off, so it wouldn't be awkward to hide. He didn't plan on getting anymore injuries like that anyway. That was just a one off, or so he tried to convince himself. 

He found himself napping on the couch after 30 minutes. He didn't realize how tired he were from just one run in with Groose and his gang. He forgot how draining getting all worked up was.

However, Zelda obviously had to get home at some point. Link just happened to completely forget that Zelda had a free period last, so she would be home an hour before he was supposed to be. So when Zelda did get home to see Link asleep on the couch, she couldn't be more confused.

"Link!?" She shouted in shock. She felt as though she'd just watched a scary movie.

Link, being a rather light sleeper, awoke at Zelda's screech.

"Y-Yeah?" He yawned as he shot up.

"Why aren't you at school?" Zelda asked.

"I just happened to get home before you, I guess" 

"So you skipped fourth and fifth"

"No. I went to both of them" Link lied.

"Well that's not possible. Since it's fifth now, and I have a free period!" Zelda was annoyed, it obviously showed through her voice.

"Oh. Indeed you do" Link replied, realizing the mistake he had made. All he had to do was tell Zelda that he got tired so decided to go home early, but he had to make it so much worse and complicated. 

"Why would you lie to me?"

"It sounds terrible when you put it like that"

"It's not exactly good is it?"

"No. No, I'm sorry. You're right"

"Of course I'm right!" She said, a bit louder than she meant to.

Link stood up from the couch and started making his way upstairs, to his room. He was tired and didn't want to snap at Zelda and make her feel bad.

Link took his shirt off to inspect his wound, and tried to look at it through his wardrobe mirror. It was on his back though, so it was awkward to try and look at. Although it had only been a few hours, it had already started bruising pretty badly, and it didn't look like it was going to fade anytime soon.

Link almost wet himself once he heard a faint couple of knocks on his door. He heard it creak as it opened slightly, so he immediately turned around to face the door where Zelda's quilty face appeared.

"Sorry to barge in like this... But I want to apologise for earlier" She said, sorrow in her every word. She really did feel bad.

"No, it should be me who apologises. I should've just told you straight"

"Well, I'm glad we've got that cleared up. Anyway, I'll leave you to whatever you were doing. I know you're tired"

Link gulped hard. He knew that if he turned away from her for even a second, she'd see such a horrible bruise on his back. However, what he didn't think about was that there was a pretty big mirror directly behind him, with the bruise on his back being reflected through it. Before Zelda left, she noticed this.

"Wait... What's on your back?" She asked.

"My back? Nothing" Link gulped again, stepping away from the mirror.

"Don't lie to me again. Unless I'm hallucinating... I definitely saw something." She sighed. "You're not... Fighting again, are you?" She looked up, being scared of the answer.

Link couldn't just lie to her anymore. Although he didn't want to get her involved, he'd rather not make her worry. Seeing her expression so sad and worried brought tears to his eyes. He stepped closer to her and reached out his hand, putting it on her shoulder.

"No. Not really... I bumped into Groose and Mido today, so that's what this is from. I didn't do anything to hurt anyone. I don't think so at least..." Zelda lifted his chin so he was looking at her and not the floor.

"You can talk to me. Even if you messed up and did something you regret. I'm here, Link" She wiped away a tear that had barely escaped Link's eye as she pulled herself closer.

"I know. The same goes for you" He replied, smiling.

"I should... Let you get some sleep now. You've obviously had an eventful day" Zelda took a couple steps back, breaking the contact between the two.

"Before you go" Link stepped forward so that they were the same distance apart as they were before Zelda moved. He pulled Zelda in close and smoothly and gently placed his lips upon hers for a few seconds. "Goodnight" He smiled.

Short Tempered - Zelink Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now