Chapter 1

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And here is my Stingue story! Taste the ducking rainbow. This is a little different then my other dragon season story, hope you enjoy! Make sure to comment! Your lovely comments make my day!

Sting's POV
I turned my attack on the thieves who where running to their big battle ship.

"White Dragon Roar!!" I yelled and a blast of white light shot out of my mouth.

It was huge, way more powerful that it should have been and it completely decimated the ship. I blinked. That ship was made of iron! It would have wrecked it a bit but not that much.

Rouge was fighting too and a huge pillar of shadows surrounded him going up into the sky.

Once all the thieves where gone he calmed down and the shadows faded away.

"You good?" I asked him that was some intense magic he just put out. "Yeah." He replied and we fell into step next to each other.

"Do your attacks feel more powerful too?" I asked him. "Yeah something isn't right." He agreed.

I felt really weird, especially around Rouge. He seemed to be pulsing with shadows, pulling me in, I wanted to be close to him, but I held myself back, Rouge wasn't exactly a touchy feely person and me doing that would make him feel uncomfortable. Besides, who knows if he feels the same way.

We arrived back at the inn. Orga was sitting at a table with Yukino and Rufus; Minerva was at the bar getting drinks. I sat down, and Rouge took the seat besides me.

"If memory serves me correctly I remember your attacks not being that powerful before, Congratulations." Rufus said with a dramatic hand gesture.

"Yeah but something's off." I said looking down at my hands.

"Yes, my shadows aren't usually that ferocious." Rouge said solemnly. "It's like suddenly we have a major power boost. If our magic gets more powerful it would come gradually not all of a sudden like this."

"So what? You shouldn't be complaining." Orga said. He had a point.

"I guess your right." I mumbled, But I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. "Maybe it was adrenaline." Yukino offered. "Yeah that must be it," I said more to myself then them.

"Well boys we're going back to the guild tomorrow morning so go get some sleep." Minerva said.

That night I tossed and turned in my bed unable to go to sleep. "Rouge." I murmured into my pillow.

Rouge's POV
I swear I just heard Sting say my name. That must've just been my imagination. Surely Sting didn't feel the same way.

The next day we were at the guild. Lector and Frosch bounced around our heels asking us about the mission.

We settled down at the bar. "Sting shouldn't you be doing paper work?" Minerva asked an eyebrow raised.

"But I want to hang out here with all of you." Sting said and slung and arm around me and gave Minerva puppy eyes. A blush crept up my face and I shrugged Stings arm off instead of pulling it closer like I wanted too.

Minerva huffed and went upstairs to the masters office.

I felt off around Sting. His smell seemed stronger and he almost seemed to glow. That must've just been his magic, right? I shook my head trying to clear it.

"Sting! Get your ass up here and do your paper work!" Minerva yelled from upstairs. "The stacks nearly to the ceiling!"

Some of the guild members said "Oooh Sting's in trouble~"

"Um gotta go." Sting said nervously. "STING!" Minerva yelled. "Coming! I'm coming, jeez she doesn't know when to quit." Sting said and Yukino giggled.

Sting groaned as he got up and started to walk up the stairs to the guild masters office, suddenly a sharp pain went off in my head and I grimaced. "Auh." I said and clutched my head with one hand.

"Rouge are you okay?" Yukino asked reaching out a hand. "I'm fine." I snarled. Yukino pulled her hand back a look of hurt flashing across her face. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"Is Rouge going to be okay?" Frosch asked me putting a paw on my side.

Noticing something was wrong, Sting came back down the stairs. The pain seemed to lessen. Minerva came down too noticing the tension in the air.

"I'm fine, I feel a little better now." I said. Sting looked at me uncertainty. "I'm gonna go ahead and head home." I told them.

"Well I'll head home too then." Sting said jumping at the chance to get away from paper work.

"Sting you have work to do." Minerva snapped. "But I need to bring Rouge home, what if that happens again and he collapses in the middle of the street." Sting said.

"I'm not gonna collapse, I said I'm fine." I growled but Sting ignored me.

"You don't know that. Besides it's getting late." Sting said and walked out with me.

Sting sighed with relief when he saw Minerva hadn't chased after us. "You just wanted to escape paper work." I accused.

"No I wanted to make sure you where all right and got back home safe. The paperwork thing is a bonus." He said cheekily.

"You know." Lector started off. "Maybe your headache has something to do with your power boosts." "Fro thinks so too." Frosch added in. "Maybe, but then why didn't Sting get one." I reasoned.

"I did actually." Sting said and I stared at him. "I've had a bit of a headache since this morning but it seems to be going away."

"Yeah mine too, thou for a second it felt like someone had put a nail through my forehead." I said. Sting gasped eyes wide. "Then you'd be a unicorn!"

"Shut up." I yelled and shoved him, Sting shoved me back and we kept on shoving each other as we walked down the street till we got to our shared apartment and managed to get through the door while shoving each other.

Sabertooth (Stingue) Dragon SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now