Chapter 2

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Sting's POV
We burst through the front door into the living room.

Rouge shoved me, my legs hit the couch and I fell back onto the cushions and he fell on top of me. "Well hello." I grinned forever the opportunist.

"Ugh." Rouge rolled his eyes and got off of me averting his gaze.

But I wasn't done yet. I grabbed Rouge pulling him back down. "Noooo." I said. "Come back your warm." I buried my face in his unkept black hair. Why was I doing that?

"I'm not your heater!" Rouge yelled and elbowed me. I let out an oof and whined about how he was no fun.

Rouge made his way over to the kitchen as I watched from the couch. "Ooh dinner time!" Lector said licking his lips. "I love your cooking Rouge." Rouge smiled and patted the exceeds head. "Thanks Lector."

"I can cook too!" I protested. "Sting no offense but you can't cook for shit." Lector said. How rude!

Rouge smirked smugly, that smirk made me want to pounce on him. "Wipe the smirk off your face jackass!!" I yelled.

Rouge's POV
Sting was still brooding as I served dinner.

"Ah come on Sting don't be mad." Lector said. "Your still my main man."

Sting grumbled about how he lives with traitorous cats.

"Fro is tired." Frosch yawned rubbing his eyes. "Oh okay let's get you to bed then." I said.

"Aww Mama Rouge." Sting teased. "Shut up." I said and looked away hoping he didn't see my blush.

I picked up Frosch and gently placed him in his bed next to the fire place with care. "Good night Rouge. I love you." Frosch yawned and went to sleep. I felt my heart melt a little.

"Good night Frosch love you too." I said and kissed the exceeds forehead.

"Do I get a kiss too?" Sting asked from behind me. I glared at him.

"That wasn't a no." He teased. "No." I said, I wasn't just gonna kiss his forehead, that's weird. (Ahem Nalu)

Sting made a pouty face and sulked off to our shared room. He plopped down on his bed which was near the window and I plopped down on mine.

"Nighty Night." Sting said. "Don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Shut up." I grumbled and threw a pillow in his general direction.

"Hey!" Sting exclaimed and I felt a pillow thunk against my back. I growled and grabbed the pillow hurling it back at him.

After throwing pillows at each other across the gap in between our beds for a while, we eventually both drifted off into sleep.

I drifted off into a dream at first it was a simple forest, like a peaceful nature trail, but then it changed.

The forest darkened and the trees twisted around an they seemed to move as if the branches where their arms, and faces seemed to form on them.

"I control you." The shadow trees whispered at me. "You fate is inevitable. You will be just like me one day. And you will kill Sting."

"No." I cried, backing away. "I would never do that!"

The shadows laughed. "We'll just have to wait and see."

"Rouge! Rouge!" I was shaken awake to see Sting hovering above me. Light from the lamp illuminated his worried features.

I then noticed I was shaking and my eyes where streaming tears. I sat up nearly bonking my head on Sting's but he moved away in time.

I looked down at my shaking hands. Sting placed his hands over mine. "It's okay." Sting told me. "It was just a bad dream."

I nodded wordlessly. But the dream was still clear in my mind.

"What if the shadow was right? What if I turn out to be like him? What if I hurt you." I said.

"Hey look at me." Sting said squeezing my hands and I lifted my head, to look into his deep blue eyes. Sting lifted one hand putting his finger on my cheek, carefully wiping away the tears.

"To answer your questions." Sting stated. "Number 1, That shadow wasn't right, it lied. Number 2, you won't turn out to be like that, your you, you can make your own decisions, not do what a crazy you from the future does. Number 3, you don't have to worry about hurting me because it isn't exactly easy to get rid of me." He said with a lopsided smile. I snorted, he was right about that part.

"We are stuck together whether you
like it or not." Sting declared. I rolled my eyes but a small smile appeared on my face.

"Thanks." I said wiping my face with my hands. "Sorry for waking you up."

"No biggie." Sting said and smiled at me flashing his bright pearly white teeth. I flinched putting an arm up covering my eyes. "You know your gonna blind someone with you teeth someday." I said.

"Am I too bright for ya?" Sting grinned. "No your not very bright intelligence wise." I deadpanned.

"How rude!" Sting said and put a hand on his chest mocking hurt.

I turned over, my back to him. "I'm going back to sleep now if you don't mind." I said sarcastically.

"Oh I see how it is." Sting said and crawled into his own bed.

He had only seen a few of my nightmares in action, I usually got one almost every night, this one was particularly bad.

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