Chapter 7

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Sorry this is so late! I didn't actually feel like posting today but I changed my mind and decided to post, next chapter is on Friday

Rouge's POV
Something thumped against my head. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" Sting hollered whacking me again with the pillow.

I growled turning over. Sting yanked the blanket off of me and I fell with it onto the floor with a thunk. I just grabbed the blanket curling back into it mumbling curses.

Splash! I was drenched and Sting was above me, holding a bucket. "Oops." Sting said dropping the bucket, as I glared at him.

"I'm going to kill you!" I yelled and jumped up, chasing him around the room. Sting cackled as I ran after him.

I tackled him and we soared through the air landing on a bed. Sting looked up at me eyes wide. He looked kinda hot below me like that. His blonde hair ruffled and of course, he was also shirtless, the world was against me. I wanted to take him then and there.

Remember dragon season. A voice whispered in the back of my mind.
That's right I didn't know what I was doing it's just a side effect right? I forced myself to get off him.

"Don't ever do that again!" I growled. Sting held up his hands in surrender but he was grinning.

"Now what did you say about breakfast?" I asked, as my stomach rumbled. Sting laughed. "This way ya moody dragon!"

Sting's POV
"Okay so the bandits have been sighted running under ground. Apparently some kind of abandoned mining tunnel." Rouge said. "Why do bad guys always have creepy hideouts?" I grumbled.

We walked down into the dingy tunnel, it was was dim, one or two of the lights still worked, enough for us to see.

There was a big spider web above our heads and we quickly walked past it.
We followed the tracks, there wasn't a mining car anywhere to be found.

We walked until the tunnel split off into two separate openings.

"Should we split up?" Rouge wondered. "No! I mean uh no splitting up, something bad always happens when you split up! Have you even seen Scooby Doo!" I exclaimed.

Rouge stared at me. "You watch to much TV." He said.

"Tell me something I don't know." I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"They'd probably camp out in one of the branch off tunnels so let's try this one." Rouge reasoned. "Okey dokey." I chirped.

This tunnel didn't have any lights so I called on my magic, and a ball of white light came to life in my hand.

Rouge sniffed the air, and I did the same. "It smells like." Rouge paused.
"...Smoke." We both said.

We crept down the tunnel, magic at the ready. We stepped into a room, a fire burning in the middle and some camping supplies around it, but there wasn't anyone around as far as I could tell. The smoke could be blocking their scent.

Then something pressed up against my neck. "Don't move or I slice your throat." A voice said behind me, the stench of their breath clogging my nose. "I'm talking to you too pal." The voice behind me said. A few men where around us, holding various weapons, some summoning magic to their palms.

Well we found the dark guild.

I looked at Rouge. He was staring at me, eyes wide and haunted. Shadows swirled around him and his canines grew, black scales crept around his face and his hair stood on end.

"H-hey! I said d-don't move." The man behind him stuttered, scared.

Why was Rouge so upset? We'd been in hostage positions before and usual he stayed in a sort of scary calm, he didn't loose his cool like this.

"Let him go." Rouge growled, his red eyes flashing and my heart faltered. The man behind me shuddered, hesitating.

"Now!" Rouge snarled. The man was shaking and his sword dropped, but grazed my arm on the way down.

The gaping wound spilled blood, and the stench stung my nose. Then shadows engulfed me. When it cleared all the dark guild members where on the ground, holes in their bodies.

Rouge's eyes where wide and wild. I ran up to him shaking his shoulders. "Snap out of it Rouge! Don't let your magic control you!" I yelled. He just stared at my arm, a haunted look in his eye.

I ripped off a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around the cut. "See all better." I said hoping he'd calm down.

It seemed to work, Rouge shoulders relaxed, the scales disputed, and the shadows resided.

"You good?" I asked. Rouge just launched himself at me and hugged me. My arms unconsciously wrapped around him.

"Woah what was that for?" I asked confused. "Why are you so upset?"

Rouge pulled away glaring at me tears streaming down his face. "Because I care about you! You idiot!" Rouge snarled in my face then backed away, expression pained, fists balled. "And this whole stupid dragon season thing and you'll never want me and I-"

"Who said I didn't want you?" I asked looking at him my eyes softer.

"What?" Rouge asked his hands falling to his sides, eyes wide.

"Who said I never cared about you?" I repeated coming closer and cupping his face. I leaned in and kissed him, soft and slow, Rouge leaned into my kiss. His lips where chapped but they moved in sync against mine. When we pulled away, Rouge's tears had stopped.

I stared at him waiting for him to say something. "Damn I'm screwed." Rouge muttered. I chuckled. "Yes you are."

I leaned in for another soft and sweet kiss. But Rouge placed his hands on my chest gently pushing me away. I looked at him confused. Why was he pushing me away. Rouge looked away, averting his eyes. "Sting there's something I have to tell you. It's called dragon season."


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