Chapter 6

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“keep your friends close, your enemies closer and the one you love the closest” juniel said

while munching on her doughnut. Yonghwa listens to her intently. The plan she suggested

worked so he treat her out. Well minhwan being the klutz tag along.  “yah, juniel where did

you learn all this?” minhwan asked. Yonghwa sushed him, he is still focused on what juniel

will say next. “aish, minhwan, girls think the same you know. Its just that some girls are hard

to please.” Juniel replied waving her doughnut in front of minhwan. She sure is clever for

such a petite size.  “what else?” yonghwa asked. “you asked her out right?” yonghwa nod. “not

technically” yonghwa continued. “please elaborate?” juniel asked. Minhwan looked at them

back and fort munching the doughnuts. “well I asked her what she’s doing this Saturday, she

said she’ll be out buying books” “that’s good!” yonghwa tilted his head confused. “well, you

are friends now right? To get to her you should know her likes and dislikes. Being friends

with her is your advantage now. Sure he is her bestfriend but, he doesn’t know everything.

Girls never tell everything to her guy pals. Remember that!” juniel waved her index finger and

pointed to minhwan. “aish! You ate all of it? who asked you to tag along?” juniel said

slapping minhwan from side to side.

Shinhye POV

“wow, another great broadcast shinhye ssi” minho said patting my shoulder. Jae oppa cleared

his throat and minho stiffen. I rolled my eyes and tilted my head to peek at jae oppa who’s

standing behind minho ssi. He smiled when I bit my lips trying to hide my laughter. Minho

ssi went out of the booth in an instant. “jae oppa, why are you so mean to Minho ssi.” I asked.

He removed the headphone on me, “should I tell them that I’m courting you already?” he

suddenly asked. I was surprise with his frankness. He ruffled my hair. Making me relax. This

awkwardness between us is really new to me. “am I making you feel awkward again?” he

asked I nod. I don’t want to lie. He sighed. He puts an arm on my shoulder. “mianhe. I just

can’t hold it inside here anymore” he pointed on his heart. I felt butterflies on my stomach.

Why is he having this effect on me. “oppa, can you turn it down a notch? Honestly, I’m getting

uneasy.” I said. He looked at me with worried eyes. “good or bad way?” he asked. I bit my lips

before answering. “uhmm… I think half way” I replied. being safe. He smiled and kissed my

forehead. I was surprised again. “sorry,” he said and pulls me out of the booth.

Arriving home, shinhye and jaejoong was surprised to see yoochun there. he is usually out

with his girls. “oppa! You’re early” shinhye walk to him and hugged him. He pulls away and

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