Chapter 17

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“yow! Junsu! Have you seen shinhye? I’ve been looking for her, dad just called and he says he

cant contact her” yoochun asked junsu who just walked to the table. Junsu anxiously looked

around, “uhm, nah, I’ve been with the blue boys and yunho and I didn’t spot here from there”

he mentally congratulates himself for answering yoochun. “oh, is that so, she left her purse

here so I cant call her. where is that girl?” yoochun extended his neck to watch around. “hey,

she’s all grown up dude, besides this is a private resort, she’s safe here she must be looking

around.” Junsu said. “you’re probably right” yoochun uttered. “say, chun, where’s your

girlfriend?” “she went to the restroom, oh she’s there” yoochun said pointing at jimin. Junsu

followed his stare yoochun frown when he notice someone intentionally bumped on jimin,

and it’s a guy. Junsu who saw that look at yoochun. “dude did you see that? is he for real no

one does that now” junsu said shaking his head from left to right. Yoochun watch the scene

before him, the guy offered his hand for a hand shake, jimin hesitated but give in after a

seeing the guy didn’t move away his hand. “dude, are you seeing this, tsk Jimin ssi is really an

eye candy” junsu turn to talk to yoochun but he was not there, junsu look back at jimin and

he saw yoochun dashing over there he shook his head and follow along. He knows yoochun

way to much to just ignore his jealousy.

“hey” minhyuk sat beside juniel she looked up and smile “hey” she replied. minhyuk ‘s hand

landed over her hand that’s under the table over her lap. She blushed. “they might see us”

juniel said. Minhyuk stay still and took her hand above the table. Juniel’s eyes wided. “min..”

“I want them to know juni, I want to tell everyone that I have you and you have me. Don’t

make it difficult, we should be proud not hiding it.” minhyuk said looking straight to her eyes.

Jonghyun who just got back from taking a glass of champagne paused with the scene before

him. “I knew it” he blurted making the couple look up. Juniel shy wanted to retrieve her hand

but minhyuk held on it tightly. He smiled at jonghyun. “don’t we make a lovely couple too?”

jonghyun rolled his eyes “yeah” he replied smiling showing his dimples. “see I told you.”

Minhyuk turned to juniel who is staring down because of embarrassment. “aish, this girl. We

will be okay, now you’re shy because you’ve tell them before that I can never pass your

standards” minhyuk teased. Juniel glared at him and hit him on the arm “ouch! That hurts

ajumma!” minhyuk uttered. “serves you right” she replied trying to suppress a smile but

failed to do so. “aigoo, you two just cut it out. You’re both cute enough so stop with the cute

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