Chapter 9

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One month have passed and the friendship with yonghwa and shinhye grew tighter.

Yonghwa and jaejoong get along just find. Jaejoong is, well, still feels threaten with yonghwa.

Shinhye’s blossoming feelings for jae joong is still growing. Even though yonghwa is a bit

sadden with what is happening he is still at east that shinhye’s trust with him is in full swing.

Shinhye introduced miyeong to yonghwa and miyeong asked yonghwa to take good care with

shinhye, on the other note. Yoochun is in denial. Junsu is still a troll.

“shinhye ah, are you excited for the company trip?” hana asked shinhye. “deh!” shinhye

replied feeling so giddy. “its our dongsaeng’s first company outing. Sure she is excited.”

Hyekyo said throwing an arm around shinhye’s shoulder. “oh, by the way, is your

“boyfriend” coming?” “I don’t think so, and oh! He is not my boyfriend if you’re reffering to

jae oppa” shinhye corrected. “yeah yeah, its been a month of constant exclusive dating. Sure

you are already a couple. Don’t be so hard on the guy. He is indeed a gentleman.” Hana said.

Hyekyo rolled her eyes but still nod in agreement. “eonnie, he is a gentleman, like you said. He

didn’t want to pressure me about what I feel about him.” Shinhye reasoned while doing some

paper works. “aish, this girl. You know even he is the most understanding guy in the world

you cannot say that he will not get tired of your situation.” Hana said. Shinhye throws a look

at yonghwa, he is listening. Shinhye looked at him questioning and he nod. “noona is right

you know” yonghwa said earning a disbelief look from hyekyo. “but if he is really willing, and

I think he is, he will wait for you still” yonghwa said. Hyekyo walked towards him mouthing

“what the hell are you doing?” yonghwa ignored her. “hey dongsaeng, can you rate your

feelings for jaejoong ssi?” hana asked again. Shinhye stood up to get the printed documents.

“well, from 1-10, he is definitely an 8.5” shinhye said. “eonnie, I will not be a hypocrite. I know

he is slowly getting into my heart but I am really not so sure.” Shinhye said. “does he knows?”

“yes and he is fine with it” “till when?” hyekyo said. Shinhye looked at yonghwa again. He just

smiled at her. “forever”. She smiled.

Yoochun POV

“yah! Junsu! Are you still going out with ji min?” junsu looked at me. “nope” junsu laid on the

couch on my office. A month of spying is hard work but I don’t want to tell it to them until I’m

sure of my feelings. “you know, just ask her, she will go out with you.” Junsu said flipping

some magazine. Go out with me? I looked at him in disbelief. “aish! Jimin ssi!!” junsu yelled.

Jimin went in with a smile. I smiled and went to my table. Acting busy. “how are you?” junsu

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