Chapter 10

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“shinhye ah, shinhye” yonghwa trying to wake up shinhye. “uhhmm” she stretch her arms.

“we are here” yonghwa said like a whisper. “chincha?” shinhye looked around and can’t help

but to be mesmerize. The private resort is a beauty. “wow! You own this?” she suddenly felt so

awake. Yonghwa laughed seeing her reaction. “it’s haelmoni’s not mine” yonghwa said. “ay,

hers are yours too.” Shinhye made a face. Making yonghwa cracked up again. “Let’s go, I saw

them in the receiving area.” Yognhwa said. He went to shinhye side to open the door. “thank

you yonghwa ssi” shinhye placed her hand to yonghwa’s who’s waiting for her. she bowed a

little once she’s out. She’s about to get her luggage but yonghwa stopped her. “no let me, just

go with the others” yonghwa said. “komawo”. Actually the travel agency’s staff is not that

many, few from the main office, few from the accounting and few from the maintenance and

messengers. Shinhye greeted everyone. She was basically loved by everyone so she knows

them all. “so you came here with yonghwa” hyekyo said. “deh, jae oppa is in his appa’s ranch

now” hana bumped hyekyo’s hips and smiled widely. “eonnies seriously, you two are weird.”

shinhye said.

There are some activities made for the staff for team building, every department compete with

each other. In the end, the messengers and the maintenance dept. won. It was already sun set

when they finished the 1st part of the team building. Shinhye decided to walk to the beach and

enjoy the waves. Her thoughts are still intact with the fact that jae is still not calling. “some

deep thoughts you had there Agassi” shinhye was startled with a voice. “haelmoni.” Shinhye

was surprised. “did I scare you?” “slightly” she replied. “what are you thinking about?”

haelmoni asked. I smiled. “can I ask you something haelmoni?” “sure dear” she sighed and

continue. “you once said that you and Mr. Jung your husband are once bestfriends. When did

you realize that you’ve fallen for him?” haelmoni laughed lightly. “is this about your suitor,

the good looking one, who looks like the guy in that movie juniel loves?” she teased me. I

chuckled. “deh, the Edward Cullen look alike” she laughed with me.

“you know, yonghwa’s granddad and me are not bestfriends to begin with. We are enemies.

Since we’ve been always fighting for the top position in school we always bicker. But one day

a new student came and we became 2nd to her. we decided to make peace. Right then we are

close. Close that even our parents find it amusing” haelmoni  giggled. Shinhye smiled seeing

haelmoni lost in her own story. “someone courted me, he became jealous of him and made

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