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Warning 1: Insprired From:

So this story is inspired from a edit I saw on YouTube by the amazing bluejaes! That's were I got the original idea from! I got full permission from bluejaes to write this FF! The sins are all based off of BTS from the Korean and Japanese BS&Ts/ Wings era, not based off of them from day to day normal life, it's all based off of the BS&T Korean and Japanese/ Wings era.

Warning 2: Satanism

This book contains a lot of satanism and sinning and all things anti-Christ. As it is probably expected because this book is about the Seven Deadly Sins, but this is just a warning.

Me, the author, is by no means a satanist, i am respectively a Christian Methodist and i respect any other religion, but i just find the topic of the Seven Deadly Sins intriguing and i got inspired by a BTS edit done by bluejae on YouTube to write this.

Warning 3: LSVN

Yes, this book is quite mature, but as long as your mind is mature enough to read this, you're free to read ahead.

This book does contain language, sex, violence and some nudity, but not too detailed and descriptive.

book is not PG, but i would reccomend to at least be 13+ if deciding to read this because there is some heavy stuff in this book. But if you feel that you are mature enough to read something like this, by all means, go ahead. I won't stop you.

Warning 4: Read At Own Risk

Now saying what i have, if anyone sees you reading this and does not like the idea of the Seven Deadly Sins and they get mad at ME because of a book YOU are reading, i will not be held responsible

I put those warnings there for a reason so it is not my fault YOU decided to read this and now your mother/father/sister/brother/partner/aunt/uncle/cousin etc gets mad at your for reading this, I am not to blame.

So if i get a message about how "my book is inappropriate for my daughter please take it down", i will simple ignore the message because i did state that this book is quite mature for some audiences.

Warning 5: Shipping

There might be some BTS shipping in this book. It could just be close friendships or romantic relationships, but i haven't written far enough to tell.

Some members do have a closer bond than others in this book because i probably ship them, or because of their history which will be revealed later on in the book.

My BTS Ships Are: Namjin, Yoonmin, Taekook are my strong OTPS , and i don't ship JHope with anyone because i normally see him as an innocent angle but at the very least, Yoonseok. I also don't mind Taemin or Jikook or Yoonkookor Taeseok, but i usually will not use them is FanFictions. But any other ships, i don't ship them.

I also don't mind three-way  (or even four-way) ships such as the Taeyoonseok, Taekoomin, Namyoonseok etc, but i also usually don't use them in FanFictions.

But the book hast been fully written yet so I am not sure of the out comes of the relationships so i can't promise you anything, this is just a warning and an insight on, if there is gonna be ships, it would be those ones.

Warning 6: Respect BTS

Yes, I'm writing about BTS being the worst sins known to man kind, but you and i must both respect the band because we all know they are not like this.

I know BTS sometimes read fanfictions, so if they are reading this, i just want to tell them i don't mean to disrespect BTS, it was just a cool idea to write a story about the band crossing over with the seven deadly sins as it sounds like  cool story line. I don't by all means think they are evil satanic people.

So please don't get mad at me for saying i don't respect BTS, trust me, I DO RESPECT THEM. But also, in the comments, think before you say something that is respectful towards the group.

Warning 7: Mental Disorders and Addictions

I am no genius when it come to mental and eating disorders! I'm sorry if I offend anyone with the disorders mentioned in this story.

One of the main disorders mentioned is Bulimia and I would like to say that I DO NOT, under ANY circumstances want to glorify or promote bulimia! It is a horrible illness and my heart goes out to all those who suffer with this heart breaking sickness.

I also mention Anger Management and Depression and once again I DO NOT glorify depression, anger and suicide!

These are just all aspects and characteristics of this story and it's characters and please don't get offended by this and do not try attempt purging or suicide because ITS NOT THE ANSWER AND YOU ARE WORTH IT!

The characters in this story (mainly Gluttony) have and addiction to drugs/ alcohol. I DO NOT WANT TO GLORIFY THE USE OF DRUGS AND ADDICTION AT ALL! Drugs are horrible and I'm extremely against using them, so please do not follow in the characters footsteps because drugs can make your life hell.

Thank you-

If you have any questions regarding the characters or why I made each character that particular Sin, don't be afraid to ask!

Thank You, And Enjoy Reading.

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