Pilot 1-3

235 7 1

Police Station Day time

The door opens, and the Sheriff from earlier enters, carrying a box.

He sets it down on the table.

So do you want to give us your real names? "He asked us.

I told you, it's Nugent. Ted Nugent. "Dean said.

I'm not sure you realize just how much trouble you're both in here. "The Sheriff said.

We talkin', like, misdemeanor kind of trouble, or, uh, squeal like a pig trouble? "I asked with my eyebrow arched.

You got the faces of ten missing persons taped to your wall. Along with a whole lot of Satanic mumbo-jumbo. Boy, you are officially suspects. "He said.

That makes sense. Because when the first one went missing in '82 I was three. "Dean said.

I snickered.

The Sheriff looks at me.

You know staying with thes type of guys will only get you into trouble. "He said.

Oh really? Then who should I stay around? It's cops like you who don't know how to do their jobs that put me in this position in the first place. "I said smirking.

He looked at me shocked.

I know you both got partners, one of 'em's an older guy. Maybe he started the whole thing. So tell me. Dean. This his? "The Sheriff asked.

He tosses a brown leather book on the table.

Dean stares at it.

I thought that might be your name. See, I leafed through this. What little I could make out - I mean, it's nine kinds of crazy. But I found this, too. "He said.

He opens the journal to a page that reads:

DEAN 35-111

Now. Your both stayin' right here until you tell me exactly what the hell that means. "He finished.


Dean is still being interrogated about the journal, which is open to the page reading "Dean 33-111".

He leans forward, frustrated.

I don't know how many times I gotta tell you. It's my high school locker combo. "He said.

We gonna do this all night long? "The Sheriff asked.

A Deputy pokes his head in

We just got a 9-1-1, shots fired over at Whiteford Road. "He said.

Either of you have to go to the bathroom? "The Sheriff asked.

No. "We said at the same time.

Good. "The Sheriff said.

He handcuffs Me and Dean to the table and leaves.

Dean sees a paper clip poking out of the journal, picks it up, looks at me and smiles.

I smirked.

2 Mins Later

We duck out of sight behind the door, and then run

Outside Night

We climb out and down the fire escape, carrying John's journal.

Dean is trying to call Sam from a payphone.

It's been 15 Mins.

For gods sake they take forever to talk.

Sam? Sam! "Dean started yelling.

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